15 Best Quotes From The Dark Knight Rises That Will Never Get Old

  • The Dark Knight Rises is one of the most quotable Batman movies
  • Highlights come from Tom Hardy's Bane, Michael Caine's Alfred, and Christian Bale's Batman himself
  • The best quotes challenge the idea of Batman, and rebuild him as a symbol
More than a decade after Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight trilogy ended, there still hasn't been a solo Batman movie. The DCEU gave us another version, played by Ben Affleck, but his solo project was, of course, canceled. In that time, appreciation for The Dark Knight Rises has only grown. Somewhat divisive on release - mostly because it wasn't as good as its predecessor - it remains hugely entertaining.
The Dark Knight Rises doesn't get enough credit for being one of the most quotable Batman movies ever made. And that's saying a lot. It may not have been perfect, but it presented huge ideas, wrapping up Nolan's trilogy in a satisfying and memorable way. And in Tom Hardy's Bane in particular, and Michael Caine's broken, emotionally battered Alfred, it had two quote machines. These are The Dark Knight Rises quotes that have stuck with us for more than a decade since its release.


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