10 Best Scenes Of Superheroes Saving People In Comic Book Movies

  • Superhero movies often overlook important moments of saving civilians, but a select few standout scenes showcase heroes saving lives.
  • Notable scenes include Iron Man saving falling passengers, Spider-Man stopping a runaway train, and Superman catching a falling plane.
  • Superhero films, like Batman v Superman and Man of Steel, emphasize the importance of heroes prioritizing saving people in their altruistic actions.
Comic book movies often neglect a critical component of superhero work, saving civilians, with a handful of scenes standing out as being perfect examples of what more films should be doing. From the eclectic DC films from Warner Bros to the movies of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it's shockingly often that superhero movies actually remember to include scenes of heroes saving people, a crucial element of their job other than fighting villains or struggling with a secret identity. Luckily, a select few movies take the time to show the more altruistic side of their famous characters.
When scenes like this do come up in celebrated superhero movies, they usually fall into one of two categories. Either the hero is saving citizens from an ill-timed natural disaster or deadly human-fault accident, or they're forced to step in when one of their supervillains threaten the peace by getting innocent bystanders involved. In either case, the best superhero movies take the time to establish that their protagonists don't just beat up villains and criminals, but actively help those in need as well.


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