Star Wars" Newest Heroes Show The Prequel Jedi"s Biggest Mistake - One Luke Skywalker Repeated

  • The Jedi of the High Republic Era lived among the people and trained younglings on their own homeworlds, which created a stronger connection and sense of protection for both the Jedi and the citizens.
  • The Jedi of the prequel era centralized their Order on Coruscant, leading to an unhealthy distance between the Jedi and the public, causing fear and misunderstanding.
  • Luke Skywalker continued this mistake by establishing his Jedi Temple on the remote planet of Ossus, further isolating the Jedi from the people they were meant to protect. Rey may offer a different approach for the future of the Jedi.
Star Wars: The High Republic has revealed just how much the Jedi lost their way in the Star Wars prequel trilogy - and there's one crucial mistake Luke Skywalker repeated. When Obi-Wan Kenobi first spoke of the history of the Jedi Order, he did so in reverential tones. George Lucas chose to turn viewer expectations upside down, though, when he stepped back in time to tell the story of the prequel era. He revealed the Jedi of that time were a lot more flawed than Obi-Wan realized, and that the aged Jedi Master's memory was clouded by nostalgia.
Recent Star Wars novels, comics, and audiobooks have explored the High Republic Era, centuries before the Skywalker saga. This is a time when both the Republic and the Jedi were at their height, although in truth neither was perfect even then; the Jedi made many mistakes, and the Republic faced political infighting as ever. And yet, looking back, it's possible to chart so many mistakes made by the Jedi that ultimately led to their downfall. One of the latest, surprisingly, is a mistake continued by Luke Skywalker when he reformed the Jedi.


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