Star Wars" High Republic Explained & Release Guide (Books, Comics & Show)

Quick Links
  • Star Wars: The High Republic Explained
  • Star Wars: The High Republic Phase 1 - Light of the Jedi Reading Order
  • Star Wars: The High Republic Phase 2 - Quest of the Jedi Reading Order
  • Star Wars: The High Republic Phase 2 - Trials of the Jedi Reading Order
  • Star Wars: The High Republic In Jedi: Survivor
  • Star Wars: Acolyte The past is the key to Star Wars future in the High Republic Era, a stunning transmedia initiative that's serving as a launchpad for so many fresh new characters and ideas. Star Wars has always been a transmedia franchise, but that's even more the case under Disney. Grand Admiral Thrawn - a character first introduced in Timothy Zahn's "Thrawn trilogy" back in the 1990s - is confirmed as the main villain of The Mandalorian era. Meanwhile, Lucasfilm Publishing's latest initiative - Star Wars: The High Republic - is already rippling out into other mediums.


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