Why 1 Pattinson Change Was So Important For The Batman

Although one of The Batman's best scenes is when the Dark Knight calls himself "Vengeance", actor Robert Pattinson made the opening scene so much better. In the first act, Pattinson's Bruce Wayne narrates from his journals about his mission, stalking the darkened alleys of Gotham and hunting criminals. This culminates in a ruthless scene where Batman faces a crowd of thugs that's incredibly enhanced with one simple piece of improvisation.
Having been The Batman for only two years, this early version of the Caped Crusader is far more concerned with brutally avenging his parents than actual justice or heroism. As such, this mentality is perfectly framed by the vicious beatdown of the lead thug with Batman declaring himself as "Vengeance" itself. However, the scene in question was originally tamer before Pattinson added the final two punches to the scene, both of which land after the thug's already fallen to the ground.


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