A Full History Of The Millennium Falcon: Complete Timeline

Chief among Star Wars' vast amount of iconic ships is the Millennium Falcon, with the recent Star Wars: Timelines book helping to outline the freighter's history. The book - written by Kristin Baver, Jason Fry, Cole Horton, Amy Richau, and Clayton Sandell - is dedicated to mapping out the entire history of Star Wars in one place. This allows many interesting elements of the Star Wars franchise to come to light, especially from eras in which their place on the timeline was murky beforehand.
Regarding the Millennium Falcon, Star Wars: Timelines has filled in significant parts of the ship's history before Solo: A Star Wars Story. Given that Solo was the first chronological appearance of the iconic ship - discounting the Easter egg in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith - little was known about the Falcon before this point. After that though, much of the Falcon's history can be seen throughout the Skywalker Saga. That being said, Star Wars: Timelines has been instrumental in shedding some light on the freighter's origins, history, and various owners throughout the franchise.


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