"Will Live On In My Nightmares": Miss Minutes Flirting With Victor Timely Sparks Truly Sensational Reactions From Marvel Fans

Warning! This post contains SPOILER for Loki season 2, episode 3
  • Miss Minutes' flirting attempts in Loki season 2 episode 3 spark hilarious reactions from fans on social media.
  • Victor Timely's introduction in Loki season 2 episode 3 unleashes chaos on the main cast of characters.
  • Miss Minutes' attraction for Victor Timely shows the cartoon clock in a new, more mischievous light, suggesting a potential villain turn.
Miss Minutes' creepy attempts to woo Victor Timely in Loki season 2 episode 3 ignite a barrage of hilarious reactions from MCU fans across social media. As Loki season 2's story unravels, new characters begin to show their true colors, and unexpected dynamics between villains and heroes start to take shape. Loki's decaying Temporal Loom and the threat of multiversal destruction push Loki, Mobius, Ravonna Renslayer, and Miss Minutes to seek He Who Remains' variant, Victor Timely, who's a far cry from the omniscient villain responsible for the creation of the TVA and the Sacred Timeline.
Victor Timely's official MCU introduction in Loki season 2 episode 3 takes every Loki character's journey in a new direction, including the otherwise detached Miss Minutes. Against all expectations, Miss Minutes shows an odd fixation in He Who Remains and a desperate wish to be liked by his variant Victor Timely not only as an AI assistant, but as a woman. In light of Miss Minutes' unexpectedly bold attempts to flirt with Victor Timely, fans take to social media to voice their mixed feelings. See the reactions below:
Indeed, Miss Minutes makes her interest in Victor Timely very obvious. Her attraction to Timely is so strong that she doesn't hesitate to betray Ravonna Renslayer at the first sign of pushback. Miss Minutes' jealousy and even arousal reveals that she's a much more advanced AI than Loki season 1 suggested.
MCU memes didn't take long to describe the audience's feelings. Loki season 1 had already sparked similar reactions with Loki and Sylvie's problematic romance, which caused controversy due to the fact that Loki technically fell in love with an alternate version of himself. Now, Loki season 2 episode 3 adds another weird romantic subplot with an AI who's infatuated with her creator.
Miss Minutes' feelings for Victor Timely presents another obstacle for Loki and his allies. Apart from having to deal with time and the multiverse, they now have to deal with conflicting personal feelings, not only between Loki, Sylvie, He Who Remains, and Ravonna Renslayer, but also between them and Miss Minutes. Like Tinker Bell in Peter Pan, Miss Minutes could throw a wrench in the story out of jealousy.
Loki season 1 teased Miss Minutes' secret intentions when she was revealed to have access to the Citadel at the End of Time. Since then, it's been suggested that she has always known more about He Who Remains than anybody else. However, Ravonna Renslayer's romance with at least one Kang may be tied to fate, and Miss Minutes will likely end up retaliating for getting set aside.
What Victor Timely's Rejection Of Miss Minutes Means For Loki Season 2 Miss Minutes' attraction for Victor Timely reveals her wish to become human and live with a Kang variant at the end of time. Given her powerful abilities and extensive knowledge, a rejection from a Kang variant like Victor Timely could turn her into a full-blown villain, as she could sabotage Loki and the TVA's attempts to keep the multiverse under control. The only goals Miss Minutes needs to accomplish is to convince one Kang variant to escape with her to a place that isn't affected by multiversal collapse, like the Citadel at the End of Time, or even the Void. After all, she doesn't have any personal connection to a specific timeline.
Ouroboros needs Miss Minutes' insight in order to fix the Temporal Loom and understand how to keep rogue branches from endangering the multiverse, but Miss Minutes' emotional instability might make her cooperation highly unlikely. On the contrary, Miss Minutes could ensure that the TVA fails to fix the timelines out of sheer spite. After eons of standing by He Who Remains' side, Miss Minutes must hold countless secrets that could either save the TVA or destroy it.


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