Daredevil Gets A Sleek & Vibrant Suit Redesign For His MCU Reboot In Marvel Fan Art

  • Daredevil's iconic suit gets a sleek redesign in fan art, with a vibrant red color that pays homage to the original comics.
  • Daredevil: Born Again will be the first MCU show to utilize showrunners and serves as a litmus test for course corrections after a weak year in 2023.
  • The upcoming show appears to be a soft reboot that maintains the same lead actors and borrows select plot points from the original series, indicating a faithful tone.
As excitement builds for Daredevil's return to the small screen in his MCU reboot, Daredevil: Born Again, a sleek piece of fan art has redesigned his iconic suit. Before the release of Daredevil's new MCU show, the Man Without Fear has already been making the rounds across several movies and shows within Marvel's cinematic franchise, first in Spider-Man: No Way Home and most recently in Echo. With these cameos, and significant furor surrounding the production of Daredevil: Born Again, it is no wonder that fans have begun speculating about how he will look in his full regalia when his show finally airs.
Illustrator and Designer, Arkin Tyagi, recently shared via Instagram what direction they hope Matt Murdock's look will take in his upcoming solo series. The vibrant red is an obvious homage to the original suit from the comics, while also being less muted than in Netflix's Daredevil series. This is a far cry from the gold suit depicted in She-Hulk as designed by Murdock's client, Luke Jacobson, and is almost certainly more akin to the suit that will eventually be settled on by the time Daredevil: Born Again releases.
Related 8 Reasons The MCU's Daredevil Show Release Update Is Good For The Marvel Show Daredevil: Born Again may have been delayed to 2025, but that's actually a good thing for the series' overall health. Why Daredevil's MCU Return Is Such A Big Deal The road to Daredevil's soft reboot has hardly been smooth, with the originally planned release date of Spring 2024 pushed back as Marvel decided to overhaul the production practices for its shows. As such, not only will Daredevil: Born Again be the first MCU show to utilize showrunners - with prior series generally instead having film executives overseeing this role - but it will also constitute a litmus test for the effectiveness of the MCU's course corrections following a decidedly underwhelming year in 2023. Plus, of course, there is the fact that Daredevil is one of Marvel's most beloved characters - and the one that was received exceptionally well during his time on Netflix.
Daredevil: Born Again will also be the first time that Marvel has reconstituted a show that was ostensibly canceled with the same lead actors. Whether the show will be a sequel to the original series or an entirely different beast has caused some confusion, but reports suggest that it is a soft reboot in the same vein as The Suicide Squad, as it borrows select plot points from the original series to avoid treading the same ground. This is a good sign for the show's tone, as Marvel will no doubt be aiming to capitalize on the success of the original by keeping Daredevil: Born Again faithful to it.
Source: @_artkin_/Instagram


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