Madame Web Left Out That Awful Amazon Line, But Somehow It"s Still Not The Worst Moment

  • Madame Web's absence of the infamous Amazon line was a good sign, but unfortunately, the rest of the script still had major issues.
  • The trailer for Madame Web avoided revealing important story beats and context surrounding the death of Constance Web and Cassandra's birth.
  • The movie was filled with even worse lines than the "spiders in the Amazon" one, including clumsy references to Spider-Man and poorly written dialogue overall.
Of all the worst moments in Madame Web, it turns out that the infamous Amazon line was not one of them, as it was left out completely. Now that it has been released, it is safe to say that Madame Web has lived up to expectations - which weren't good. The movie has become the worst-rated of Sony's Spider-Man movies, setting the stage for the cinematic franchise's premature demise as interest in a non-MCU depiction of Spider-Man and his villains significantly wanes.
The criticisms leveled against Madame Web are multifaceted, but the script still has a lot to answer for. Many wasted no time in writing the movie off based on the now iconic line that appears in the trailer:
"He was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died."
Its absence, therefore, should have been a good sign. Unfortunately, fears surrounding what the line may have signified about the rest of the script were well-founded, as it was part of a much deeper issue.
Related Madame Web vs Morbius: Which Is Actually Worse? Sony's last two Spider-Man spinoff movies, Madame Web and Morbius, have been critically panned, but one is clearly worse than the other. Why Madame Web's Awful 'Spiders In The Amazon' Line Only Appears In The Trailer While it might have had the effect of spreading the word of Madame Web further than a single trailer could have achieved on its own, the "spiders in the Amazon" line became as meme-worthy as "its Morbin' time" was for Morbius, and like Morbius, the most famous line in the movie didn't even feature. Instead, Cassandra references the fact that her mother died in childbirth. The trailer-exclusive line, meanwhile, alludes somewhat clumsily to the fact that Ezekiel Sims killed Cassandra's mother.
Related Madame Web's 16 Marvel Easter Eggs & References Explained Madame Web has been released in theaters, and the film holds plenty of Easter eggs to the Sony Spider-Man Universe among many other Marvel properties. Given they comprised some of the movie's biggest reveals, the trailer sidestepped the surrounding circumstances of Constance Web's death. Cassie's birth in the Peruvian jungle, the mystical spider bite, and the Las Arañas tribe are all quite consequential story beats that were hard to predict from Cassie's trailer line alone. The quality of the rest of the script, however, was not.
Madame Web Is Full Of Even Worse Lines Than The 'Spiders In The Amazon' One Upon its release, another Madame Web line immediately started catching flak - and it's one of the first in the movie. Specifically, Cassandra says to Ben Parker - a man who would later die from a gunshot wound - "what, you've never been shot at in Queens?" Additionally, in one of many ham-fisted references to Spider-Man, the age-old line with which he is commonly associated, "with great power comes great responsibility," is re-jumbled by the Las Arañas leader, who says to Cassie "When you take on the responsibility, great power will come."
Other classics include "they're teenagers now, but in the future..." and "he was like a spider...person." Interestingly, the script was written by the same writers of Morbius. With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that Madame Web is already drawing ire for its lackluster script and shoehorned references to a Spider-Man who finally made his debut in Madame Web as a child. In total, there were at least four individuals behind the screenplay, which is rarely a good sign - and the results may have been the death knell for Sony's cinematic universe.


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