10 Superpowers The Fantastic Four Still Haven"t Used After 3 Divisive Movies

  • Mister Fantastic can shapeshift into objects and other people, a unique power explored in the comics but not yet shown in the movies.
  • The Invisible Woman has the ability to perceive invisible objects and make her force fields opaque, adding layers to her powers.
  • The Human Torch can not only control external flames but also burn toxins out of his bloodstream, showing his impressive mastery over his flame abilities.
Despite three Fantastic Four movies, there is still a litany of powers that Marvel's first family hasn't used on the big screen. The Fantastic Four boasts an impressive range of abilities that have evolved far beyond their original depictions. Though many of these have not been depicted in any of the Fantastic Four movies, they could make thrilling additions to the MCU's The Fantastic Four.
The Fantastic Four are joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline with The Fantastic Four. Marvel has confirmed its Fantastic Four cast and apparent time setting, which could indicate the movie's narrative and potential events. With The Fantastic Four's retro setting, many of the characters may have a limited set of abilities more in keeping with the era. Nevertheless, the MCU would have a range of exciting powers that have not been adapted before.
Related Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie Ranked Worst To Best Over 15 years and 33 movies, the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies have redefined blockbuster cinema. But how do all the films stack up? 10 Mister Fantastic Can Shapeshift Reed Richards Can Transform Into Objects And Other People Reed Richards is known for his elasticity and stretching powers. However, one aspect not depicted in the movies is his ability to transform into inanimate objects and even other people. Mister Fantastic has such control over every single part of his body that he can stretch his facial features into a different form. Richards has used this to disguise his appearance as convincingly as any other Marvel Comics shapeshifter. Mister Fantastic has also, on occasion, transformed into mailboxes, dinosaurs, and trampolines. These impressive abilities work well in the comics and would make a great addition to the MCU's adaptation.
9 Mister Fantastic Can Stretch His Intellect Reed Richards Intelligence Is Connected To His Powers Richard Richards is known for this towering intellect, but there has been evidence that suggests his intelligence is connected to his powers. Richards has even, in one instance, used his stretching ability to expand his brain power and increase his brain capacity. In Invincible Iron Man #25, Tony Stark jokes that Richards could make his brain larger. Later, Mister Fantastic is seen inflating his brain while he works on Iron Man's heart implant. Reed Richards has as much control over his brain as he does his body, able to fend off psychic attacks with his "elastic consciousness."
8 Invisible Woman Can See Invisible Objects Invisible Woman Has A Great Control Over Invisibility Close The Invisible Woman possesses a unique ability to perceive invisible objects. While Sue Storm can, of course, turn herself and other objects invisible at will and still retain an awareness of them. Interestingly, the Invisible Woman can also perceive objects and people that have been turned invisible by other means. This is due to Susan Storm's unique retina function, which gives her a superhuman ability to detect invisible objects. Sue Storm also has the power to restore objects turned invisible by other people. This level of control demonstrates Susan's impressive mastery over her powers.
Related The Fantastic Four's 10 Most Impressive Displays Of Power Across 3 Movies Though their previous 3 movies aren't very well-liked, the Fantastic Four have demonstrated some incredibly impressive powers in their careers. 7 Invisible Woman Can Make Her Force Fields Opaque Sue Storm Has Remarkable Control Over Her Force Fields The Invisible Woman's famous force fields are a signature part of Sue Storm's heroic persona. Able to mentally generate a field of psionic force, the Invisible Woman has impressive control over these force fields. One aspect not often depicted in Marvel Comics and omitted from the Fantastic Four movies is Sue's power to turn these force fields opaque. These can be used to block her enemies' field of vision or disguise her actions. This has proven itself as a handy addition to the Invisible Woman's extraordinary abilities that could appear in the MCU.
6 Invisible Woman Can Block Psychokinetic Abilities Sue Strom's Forcefields Can Counter Psychic Abilities The Invisible Woman's powerful force fields are even able to block psychic attacks. Sue has used this to shield herself from telepathic enemies, such as Psi-Lord. In fact, Sue is even able to block out Jean Grey's mighty telepathic abilities, which is no mean feat considering Jean is an Omega-level mutant. This ability would make an ideal addition to a Fantastic Four movie within the MCU continuity, which could explore the Invisible Woman's interactions with telepathic Marvel characters.
5 The Thing Can Leap Great Distances The thing Can Use His Immense Strength To Propel Himself Upwards Ben Grimm possesses astounding strength and agility, enabling him to leap great distances with ease. Though it doesn't occur often in Marvel Comics, the Thing's immense muscular power grants him the ability to generate incredible force with each bound. The Thing has performed superhuman leaps several stories high, in a manner similar to the Hulk. Ben Grimm's rock-covered exterior appears to render the Thing relatively grounded, which is perhaps why the talent has never been depicted in a Fantastic Four movie, though it would make a thrilling addition in the MCU's The Fantastic Four.
4 The Thing Does Not Age Ben Grimm Is Effectively Immortal In His Thing Form Close Ben Grimm's transformation into the Thing not only grants him immense strength and durability but also halts the aging process. While encased in his rock-like form, Ben's body does not age, preserving his appearance and vitality. However, on the few occasions he reverts to human form, the effects of aging resume. This allows the Thing to effectively become immortal. After a formula is created that allows Ben to become human for one week each year, Ben starts aging sporadically. Nevertheless, when Reed Richards travels 3,000 years into the future, he encounters Ben still alive.
3 The Human Torch Can Project A Fiery Duplicate Johnny Storm Can Control His Body Double Close The Human Torch wields the power to manipulate flames to astonishing effect, including the ability to project a fiery duplicate of himself. With a focused burst of intense heat, he creates a perfect replica of his form that he can control remotely. Johnny Storm's impressive master over flame extends beyond destruction, showcasing his ingenuity and adaptability as a superhero. The Human Torch deploys this ability to great effect, using a fiery decoy to dupe and battle enemies. It would make a compelling update for the MCU's attempt to reboot The Fantastic Four franchise.
2 The Human Torch Can Control External Flames Johnny Storm Is Pyrokinetic While the Human Torch is known primarily for controlling and producing flames from his body, he is also able to control any fire within range. This elevates his flame powers to pyrokinesis - he is able to increase or decrease nearby fires through his thoughts alone. This ability hasn't been explored in any of the Fantastic Four movies but would make an interesting development. The power demonstrates Johnny's mastery over his powers and could be included to indicate his heroic arc climax - much like in Fantastic Four when the Human Torch went nova to defeat Doctor Doom.
1 The Human Torch Can Burn Toxins Out Of His Bloodstream Johnny Storm Has Impressive Mastery Over His Flame-On Form Johnny Storm's impressive fire manipulation also extends to his physical form. The Human Torch has managed to superheat his own blood in order to burn a poisonous toxin out of it. The Human Torch managed this incredible feat in Spider-Man/The Human Torch #2 after he was poisoned. The ability demonstrates remarkable control and an impressive elaboration on his flame control powers. Though this is a rather nuanced and specific use of Johnny's powers, it could make a compelling cinematic moment as one of several fascinating superpowers missing from The Fantastic Four's cinematic adaptations


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