I’m So Worried Superman & Lois Is About To Make Superboy Into A Supervillain

Based on the current setup for Superman & Lois season 4, I"m worried Lex Luthor is about to tamper with Jordan Kent"s life and story even further in the DC story. Jordan is arguably the most integral figure in the live-action Superman show other than his parents, since the series revolves around him gaining powers and Clark teaching him how to use them, and has also focused on his development as a prospective young hero. However, things haven"t always been so straightforward, with Jordan often struggling to deal with both his abilities and his general life in Smallville.
While this was mainly constrained to his parents questioning whether he was doing superhero acts simply for fame and the approval of others in season 3, the final chapter of the show ups the ante yet more, with Jonathan gaining powers, Superman"s death, and Lex Luthor"s attempts to mess with Jordan all clearly having an effect on Clark"s son. As such, the way Superman & Lois season 4, episode 4 evolves Jordan"s story tees it up to reflect the comics in a troubling way, suggesting Jordan could end up spending at least some of the story being successfully manipulated by Lex Luthor.
Superman & Lois Season 4 Has Put Jordan In A Prime Position To Be Manipulated By Lex Luthor Superman & Lois Season 4 Shows Jordan Struggling With His Place In The Kent Family Close In Superman & Lois season 4, episode 4, Jordan hands over his Superboy costume to Jonathan, and sends his brother to do various hero tasks instead of going himself. Combine this with Jordan"s scene apologizing to Lois and saying he feels like he"s been failing the family since before they even moved to Smallville, and it"s clear Jordan is going through a particularly turbulent time of late, which has brought a lot of his prior struggles back into the light for him in a big way.
While Clark"s return is sure to have bolstered his spirits a little, it"s also a reminder to Jordan of the things he currently seems to feel guiltiest about - that of not helping his dad fight Doomsday in the first place, being unable to rescue his heart from Lex Luthor and then unable to prevent Luthor from crushing it, and not protecting his grandfather from the fate that would allow Superman to take Sam Lane"s heart instead. All in all, as much as Jordan clearly cares for his family, his guilt is clearly shown to put distance between them.
This current vulnerable position is especially concerning given Lex Luthor is still on the loose, and has previously been shown as being very capable of turning Jordan at least partially against his parents, as well as very much eager to do so. With a number of episodes still left - and no doubt plenty of Lex"s machinations yet to come - it seems inevitable that his impending schemes will play on Jordan"s inner turmoil, which could seemingly easily see him be manipulated by Superman"s arch-nemesis.
Lex Luthor's Superman & Lois Plan Is To Turn Jordan Against Lois Lex Luthor Will No Doubt Use Whatever Methods He Can To Corrupt Jordan Kent Close Superman & Lois season 4 has already established that part of Lex"s overall plan is to turn Lois" children against her in order to get revenge for what he perceives as Lois being responsible for the fact his daughter Elizabeth appears to want nothing to do with him. In fact, we already saw Luthor pull this off temporarily in Superman & Lois season 4, episode 3, with Jordan learning that Lois had chosen to save Jonathan when given an ominous phone call from Lex demanding she choose which son to protect.
While the pair have discussed this since - and Lois has been able to explain this was because Jonathan had no powers at the time and was thus the logical choice - this reconciliation likely isn"t enough to assuage Jordan of his lifelong fear that Jonathan is the better and more beloved of the two brothers, which has only worsened now he has powers too. As such, these concerns seem easy for Lex to manipulate, either by convincing Jordan he is a burden to his family and should leave them, or by stoking the flames of his anger once more.
Jordan Kent's Superman & Lois Twist Seems More Likely Based On DC's Comics Superboy's Story With Lex Luthor In The Comics Around The Death Of Superman Is Notable Image Made By Zoe Miskelly Throughout Superman & Lois, Jordan has seemed reflective of the somewhat more brooding iterations of Superboy - potentially more inspired by Conner Kent than Jonathan Kent, who would logically be more of an inspiration for Jordan"s brother Jonathan. As such, letting this come to a head in a major way like having him turn his back on the family would capitalize on this side of his show story arc, while also still allowing time for Jordan to reunite with his family and become a hero in his own right after a complicated path there.
This would also reflect the extended story of The Death Of Superman comic itself, which sees Lex Luthor try to recruit Conner Kent - something he initially agrees to, only to renege on this not long after, causing further tensions between the two. While it"s not inevitable that Superman & Lois would adapt this aspect of the storyline, since it"s definitely put its own spin on things, it wouldn"t be surprising if this did appear in the series in some capacity due to the way it blends with season 4 thus far and Jordan"s overall arc in the series.
With Superman currently in a weakened state that suggests he"d be even more likely to die again if he faced down Doomsday right now, it may well end up seeming to Jordan like the only way he can make up for his "failures" and protect the family is to acquiesce to Lex"s potential future efforts to bring him on side. Between this and the other factors that suggest Jordan"s upcoming story may have a darker twist, it"ll be especially interesting to see what the future holds for him and the Kent family, even if Superman & Lois is likely to end on a lighter overall note.


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