10 Reasons Critics & Audiences Love Across The Spider-Verse So Much

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is receiving endless praise from both critics and audiences, with the film's many praiseworthy elements contributing to its success. Since the film was released, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse has been widely praised across all facets of online criticism. On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the film currently holds a 95% approval rating from critics and a 96% audience score.
Similarly, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse smashed Letterboxd records, becoming one of the highest-rated films on the movie review app shortly after its release. This immense acclaim from audiences and critics alike begs the question of exactly why the film is being so well-received. As with the first film, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, the film includes many elements that are contributing to its continued success from the animation to the action scenes and Across the Spider-Verse's story.
10 Across The Spider-Verse Has Spectacular Animation Firstly, it would be remiss not to mention the animation of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse when talking up the film's best elements. As with its predecessor, Across the Spider-Verse is a masterclass in animation, bringing the comic book world of Spider-Man to life in a way that has never been done before. From the beautiful, color-infused animation of Gwen Stacy's dimension to the gorgeously overwhelming cities of Mumbattan and Nueva York, the animators working on Across the Spider-Verse outdid themselves with establishing an expansive Spider-Verse. Almost every frame in the film looks like a painting, meaning Across the Spider-Verse is one of the most visually-dazzling films ever created.
9 The Humanity Of Across The Spider-Verse's Story While it would be easy to disregard Across the Spider-Verse as a beautifully animated film that holds no substance in its story, this would be simply untrue. Much like the first movie, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse never loses sight of the true humanity at the center of its story, which would be admittedly easy to do in order to prioritize better animation. However, the filmmakers manage to strike a perfect balance of humanity with dazzling visuals, allowing the story to be one of the more satisfying Spider-Man stories ever told by the time Across the Spider-Verse's ending rolls around.
8 Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse Has Awesome Fight Scenes Going hand-in-hand with the fantastic animation are Across the Spider-Verse's many fight scenes. Outside of looking fantastic through the comic book-inspired animation style, the ability of the animation team to keep the fight scenes clearly understandable is no small feat. From the opening fight scene in Gwen's universe with a Rennaisance-era Vulture to a huge second-act climax in Mumbattan, the fight scenes are consistently brilliant throughout Across the Spider-Verse. The different Spider-People combining their powers never gets old, with the fight scenes in the film's third act only being bolstered by the aforementioned humanity of Across the Spider-Verse's story.
7 Across The Spider-Verse Includes Many Spider-Man Universe Cameos One of the other aspects of Across the Spider-Verse that allows the film to shine is its Spider-Man universe cameos. From the live-action appearances of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield that are seamlessly woven into the film's story to MCU connections like Donald Glover appearing as the Prowler, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse utilizes alternate-dimension cameos to perfection. Rather than use cameos for the sake of meaningless fan service, the live-action links and the many references to other animated versions of Spider-Man all make sense to the story, again elevating the film's humanity.
6 Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse's Many Easter Eggs Linking to the film's Spider-Man cameos, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse also includes many Easter eggs. It would be incredibly monotonous to list each one here due to the sheer amount of Easter eggs found in Across the Spider-Verse. From references to writers Phil Lord and Chris Miller's previous films to links to the first movie and other Spider-Man universes, eagle-eyed Easter egg hunters will likely be discovering new references and details for years after the franchise ends.
5 Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse Is Great For Representation Another important element of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse that is contributing to the film's positive reception is how good the film is for representation. Be it the representation of ethnic minority groups through Miles, Spider-Man India, Spider-Punk, and Miguel/Spider-Man 2099 or the inclusion of many female superheroes like Spider-Gwen and Jessica Drew/Spider-Woman, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is chock full of important representation across the board. Similarly, Gwen Stacy is portrayed as an ally of the trans community. In Gwen's room, she has a poster reading "Protect Trans Kids", while her dimension's color scheme is primarily blue, pink, and white, the colors of the trans flag.
4 Across The Spider-Verse's Cliffhanger Ending Another of the most praised elements of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is its cliffhanger ending. Despite the natural frustration of having to wait nine months to see the conclusion of the film, the end of the movie left audiences and critics alike wanting more. This meant the film drew favorable comparisons to Avengers: Infinity War, another superhero movie with a massive cliffhanger.
3 Across The Spider-Verse Builds On The First Film's Set-Up While it would have been easy for the film to forego the events of the first film in favor of creating a bigger and better sequel that only loosely connects to Into the Spider-Verse, Across the Spider-Verse masterfully builds on the set-up of its predecessor. One of the key plot points of Across the Spider-Verse is that Miles was never meant to be Spider-Man as the spider that bit him was from another universe. This was seeded in the first film, from the spider glitching to the number 42 - referencing the spider's Earth-42 origins - constantly being associated with Miles.
Similarly, the cliffhanger ending of Earth-42 Miles being the Prowler was foreshadowed in Into the Spider-Verse. Miles’ Spidey-Sense in the first film is shown as purple and green before turning red and blue. This hints that Miles was always destined to inherit the mantle of the Prowler, linking to the story point of Miles becoming Spider-Man being an accident. All of this just proves how much stock the filmmakers of Across the Spider-Verse put into its predecessor, allowing the film to truly work as a sequel which aids its critical acclaim.
Finally, the origins of Spot being tied to Into the Spider-Verse was genius. Making a villain who has been a joke in Marvel Comics' past being tied to such a silly event, before making him an incredibly menacing, threatening, and serious villain by the film's end worked perfectly. This furthered the reasoning behind why audiences and critics are loving Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse so much.
2 Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse Has Immensely Complex Characters Linking to the humanity of the film's story, Across the Spider-Verse has incredibly complex characters. Miles and Gwen are even further fleshed out than in the first film, with their love story allowing both characters to flourish. Miles solidifies himself as one of the best iterations of Spider-Man, going against what everyone is telling him to do in order to save one person. Miguel O'Hara similarly has a fantastic role as the film's antagonist, being both intensely menacing and having a believable motivation. From these characters to the other complex Spider-People, Across the Spider-Verse backs up its story, animation, and fight sequences with brilliant characters.
1 Across The Spider-Verse Succeeds As A Spider-Man Story Finally, the last reason why Across the Spider-Verse is resonating with both fans and critics is that it succeeds as a Spider-Man story. A constant of every Spider-Man tale has been the characters' drive to save people no matter what. From the live-action iterations of the character to animated films and shows alike, the biggest draw of Spider-Man has always been the characters' innate drive to help people. This is also the case with Miles' journey in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, with the film massively succeeding as a story surrounding everyone's favorite web-slinger.


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