Spider-Verse Theory Suggests Sony Teased A Spider-Man War For 2024"s Trilogy Ender

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse set up a massive conflict between different Spider-People, and the eventual "teams" for this massive conflict's climax may have already been teased in marketing materials. The second Spider-Verse movie saw Miles Morales meet the Spider Society, a multiverse-spanning organization of Spider-People led by Miguel O'hara, AKA Spider-Man 2099. Miguel's hesitation to communicate or work with Miles goes unexplained for most of the movie until it's revealed that he doesn't believe Miles should be a Spider-Man at all. Furthermore, Miles refuses to accept that canon events, like death of his father, must happen, a decision that results in him being hunted by the Spider-Society.
The ending of Across the Spider-Verse teases Gwen Stacy forming a group of Spider-Man variants sympathetic with Miles to rescue him and help him fight back against Miguel and his loyal followers. Whether or not this will escalate into a full-on war is unknown, but the narrative potential is there. If Beyond the Spider-Verse, the final movie in Sony's animated trilogy, does move in that direction, there may already be a big hint about what the two sides of the conflict will look like.
Theory: Across The Spider-Verse Poster Teased Spider-Man v Spider-Man War One Across the Spider-Verse poster features Miles hanging upside-down and dozens of Spider-Man variants standing behind him. On TikTok, user rei_push_16 suggests this poster may divide Mile's team of enemies (on the viewers' left) and his allies (on the viewers' right). While Gwen's current pro-Miles team is small, the layout matches the final shots of Across the Spider-Verse. Gwen, Spider-Man India, Spider-Punk, and Spider-Byte are all together on the right, and Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Woman, and Scarlet Spider are on the left.
If this trend holds to be true and applies to the other Spider-People in the image, the Spider-Verse is set for quite the battle with heavy hitters on both sides. In addition to the aforementioned, there are dozens of recognizable Spider-Man variants and hundreds more that are more difficult to identify. The conflict could result in a battle larger in scope than any on-screen Marvel fight seen so far.
How Across The Spider-Verse's Ending Set Up A Spider-Man War Though the movie's cliffhanger ending was more abrupt than many expecting, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse's ending sets up the sequel, and a full-on Spider-Man war, quite well. Having evaded Miguel and the Spider-Society (with some help from Spider-Byte), Miles finds himself stuck in a new universe - the one from which the spider that bit him came. This reality doesn't have a Spider-Man, but it does have a version of Miles that instead becomes the villainous Prowler.
With Miles stuck in one reality, Gwen and her Spider-Man team in another, and Spider-Man 2099 surely gathering his forges to look for both, Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse primed to travel even further through the multiverse as all three parties attempt to do what they think is right. While there's little doubt that everything will work out well for most Spider-Men by the end of the trilogy, Across the Spider-Verse has set up the biggest and most personal Spider-Man conflict yet put to screen.


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