Phase 5"s New Guardians Of The Galaxy Team Ignored A Recruit The MCU Set Up For 9 Years

  • Marvel Studios established a new Guardians of the Galaxy team in 2023's Vol. 3, but Howard the Duck was left off the roster.
  • Howard the Duck has appeared in all three of the Guardians of the Galaxy's theatrical adventures, and joined the fight against Thanos in Avengers: Endgame.
  • Howard the Duck and the Guardians of the Galaxy have teamed up on several occasions in Marvel Comics, suggesting he could have been included in the new cosmic team in the MCU.
Marvel Studios introduced a new Guardians of the Galaxy team in Phase 5, but one long-running ally for the group has still been left off the roster. Since the titular team made its live-action MCU debut in 2014's Guardians of the Galaxy, the group's line-up of heroes has been through several changes. Originally comprising Peter Quill's Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot, the 2017 sequel saw Mantis, Yondu, and Nebula join, before 2023's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 marked a huge shake-up for the group, introducing a brand-new Guardians of the Galaxy team.
While Rocket Raccoon stayed to lead the team - and Groot remained by his side - every other member of the MCU's squad is now a new one, though Kraglin has worked alongside the heroes for some time. This setup would've proved the perfect way to reintroduce one obscure character who's been part of every single Guardians of the Galaxy movie in the MCU, but ultimately, it seems they will remain sidelined for at least the time being.
New Guardians of the Galaxy Members
Played By
Rocket Raccoon
Bradley Cooper (Voice)
Vin Diesel (Voice)
Kraglin Obfonteri
Sean Gunn
Adam Warlock
Will Poulter
Cosmo the Spacedog
Fred the Dog & Maria Bakalova (Voice)
Kai Zen
Dee Bradley Baker (Voice)
Howard The Duck Has Been In Every Guardians Of The Galaxy Movie Howard The Duck Has Been A Minor But Ever-Present Character In The Guardians Of The Galaxy Franchise Close Voiced by Seth Green, Howard the Duck has made appearances in all three of the Guardians of the Galaxy's theatrical adventures, but was ignored when the new roster of Guardians was being put together. Howard is an anthropomorphic alien duck-like being who has the intelligence and humor of an average human, and he has been a minor, but long-running presence in the MCU's Guardians of the Galaxy franchise.
Initially, Howard was introduced as an exhibit in the Collector's Museum in Knowhere, but he was released following the explosion of the Power Stone. Months later, the character appeared on Contraxia, where he was seen to be trying to woo a Ravager with his iconic line, "You're out of luck, until you've gone duck."
Following the Blip and Thanos' defeat, Howard relocated permanently to Knowhere, the Guardians of the Galaxy team's new base of operations. This made him available when the new Guardians of the Galaxy team was being formed, and What If...? season 2 proved how effective he could be as part of a team, so it's a shame that Howard the Duck was left out of the group's new line-up.
Howard the Duck was featured as part of Nebula's team in What If...? season 2, episode 1, "What If... Nebula Joined the Nova Corps?", showing the franchise has at least considered what he would look like in a superhero team.
Howard The Duck's Endgame Appearance Could've Justified A Bigger MCU Role Howard The Duck Joined The Fight Against Thanos In Avengers: Endgame As well as appearing in all three of the Guardians of the Galaxy's big-screen adventures, albeit in a minor capacity, Howard the Duck also had a role in 2019's Avengers: Endgame, being among the Ravagers brought to Earth to aid the Avengers in their last stand against Thanos. Given Howard had previously just been a comedic cameo - and one that characterized him as not exactly a dashing hero - the moment suggested some real hidden depth for Howard's story. This would've made a later Guardians debut make sense, and justify his repeated cameos with a more significant payoff.
Unfortunately, this wasn't the case, even though Howard the Duck relocated to Knowhere and spent more time with the Guardians of the Galaxy after Avengers: Endgame's Battle of Earth. It's possible that Marvel Studios has been avoiding giving Howard the Duck a major role due to the disappointing performance of the character's self-titled 1986 movie. Even so, more than enough time has passed since then, and the MCU's iteration of Howard the Duck is much more popular, so it's high time the anthropomorphic duck gets some more screentime.
Related Why A Live-Action Howard The Duck Movie Would Work Today (Not In The 80s) Despite its 80’s adaptation, a live action Howard the Duck movie works better today as the MCU branches out into weird and niche characters.
Marvel's Comic Adventures Mean Howard The Duck & The Guardians Of The Galaxy Teaming Up Isn't Impossible Howard The Duck & The Guardians Of The Galaxy Have Crossed Paths Several Times In Marvel Comics Since making his first Marvel Comics appearance in 1973's Adventure into Fear #19, Howard the Duck has embarked on many adventures with the Guardians of the Galaxy, though he has never been a permanent member of the team. He established a particularly close kinship with Rocket Raccoon, another anthropomorphic animal-like character, though he has more regularly been associated with Earth-based heroes Spider-Man and Man-Thing. Nevertheless, the fact that Howard the Duck has been partnered with the Guardians of the Galaxy on a number of occasions means there's precedence for him to join the team in the MCU.
Together, Howard and Rocket escaped from the Collector, the Guardians of the Galaxy later joined Rocket and Howard's female clones to save Howard from the Collector once again, and Howard even briefly led the Guardians team for his 50th anniversary in Marvel Comics. After the original team disbanded in the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 ending, it would have been brilliant to see Howard the Duck recruited into the new line-up. Since this didn't happen, and the Guardians of the Galaxy haven't yet been confirmed to be returning to the MCU, it's unclear when Howard the Duck might be seen again.
Guardians of the Galaxy PG-13 AdventureActionFantasySci-Fi Where to Watch *Availability in US
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Not available

Director James Gunn Release Date July 30, 2014 Runtime 122 Minutes Upcoming MCU Movies
Release Date
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July 26, 2024
Captain America: Brave New World
February 14, 2025
May 5, 2025
The Fantastic Four
July 25, 2025
November 7, 2025
Avengers 5
May 1, 2026
Avengers: Secret Wars
May 7, 2027


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