
好消息!吉隆坡高庭今日駁回三個馬來團體要求發出庭令阻止遊行的申請!裁決本周六舉行的凈選盟5.0和平示威遊行合法!文:張丹楓這項裁決大大振奮全國人民的心,預料會有更多人民自動自發參與半星期六的Bersih 5.0和平大遊行活動。 高庭這項裁決也形同摑了那些認定凈選盟5.0遊行屬於違法的民間團體,尤其是澳洲莫納斯大學馬來西亞分校,更是被高庭摑得連牙齒也掉了!莫納斯大學早前對該校學生髮出禁制令,禁止學生參與《違法的凈選盟5.0集會》,否則將受到校方採取紀律行動對付。 莫納斯大學的這項禁制令,立即引發了網民激烈撻伐!一致抨擊大學的做法宛若開民主倒車。吉隆坡高庭今日駁回三個馬來商業團體的申請,宣布凈選盟5.0的集會遊行活動並沒有牴觸聯邦憲法。三個馬來商業團體要求高庭發出禁制令,禁止凈選盟在本周六發動集會遊行。他們宣稱凈選盟之前辦過幾次集會遊行活動已經造成他們的商鋪受到破壞,業績受到不良影響,還他們虧了老本云云。但是他們的指控全是口頭而已,並不能出示任何有力證據證明他們的指控屬實。 法官納登巴蘭在判詞中也質疑起訴方的意圖不良;法官認為凈選盟主辦單位早在今年9月已經宣布了11月19日的集會遊行活動和地點;為何起訴方卻等到現在才申請禁制令?法庭也同意凈選盟律師的說法,民間團體不能阻止任何人行使聯邦憲法賦予人民上街遊行發表心聲的權利;只有國家執法機關可以基於國家安全受到威脅為理由,對相關的遊行集會進行管制。但是執法單位也只能根據情況需要而對有關的集會人群進行管制,卻無權阻止人民參與集會遊行。 High Court rejects injunction application against Bersih 5 The High Court today rejected an application for an injunction to stop Bersih 5 and a counter-rally from taking place in the capital city this Saturday. Justice Nanthan Balan said the application, filed by three city Malay trader groups, failed, among others, to provide a credible explanation as to why the suit was only filed at the eleventh hour when Bersih 2.0 had already made it known that the Bersih 5 rally was to be held within the Dataran Merdeka vicinity since September this year.Justice Nanthan also noted that the plaintiffs had failed to provide any evidence to support its claims that previous Bersih rallies had led to damages to their shops or assets. Lawyer representing Bersih 2.0, Gurdial Singh, during his submission argued that no private citizens or groups have the power to prevent the public from exercising their constitutional right to assemble. 文章未完,點擊這裡閱讀全文!


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