Doctor Strange"s MCU Arc Makes Thanos" "Curse" 100 Times Worse

  • Doctor Strange's experience of the "curse of knowledge" is arguably worse than both Tony Stark and Thanos. He saw millions of timelines and the deaths of trillions of inhabitants, unable to intervene.
  • Strange alone carries the burden of this knowledge, as he kept the fates of alternate universes to himself, never disclosing them to the other Avengers.
  • The consequences of Strange's intervention include incursions and the erosion of barriers between realities, leading to the elimination of universes. He now understands that there is nothing he can do to save lives, emphasizing the weight of his quote: "In the grand calculus of the multiverse, their sacrifice means infinitely more than their lives."
Doctor Strange has been through many traumatic experiences in the MCU, but there is one less-considered aspect of his arc that means he endures a much worse version of Thanos' "curse" laid out in Avengers: Infinity War. Doctor Strange and Thanos' interactions on Titan were a chance for Thanos to detail his motives before the epic Battle of Titan ensued. During that fight, as Thanos fought Tony, Thanos revealed his familiarity with Stark and that they shared a commonality: being "cursed with knowledge." Thanos saw Tony as an equal at this moment, while belittling Doctor Strange's powers as the "tricks" of a wizard, seemingly unaware of Strange's similar burden.
Doctor Strange has proven multiple times that he is one of the strongest superheroes in the MCU. Still, his abilities being overpowered by Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet was a chance to show just how threatening the Mad Titan had become. While Strange pulled off some mystic moves capable of overcoming the power of the Power Stone, albeit briefly, their brief interactions skirted over the fact that Strange was also subject to that same curse. Not only that, but Strange's experience of the "curse of knowledge" is arguably far worse than that of both Tony and Thanos.


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