Yoda One-Ups Kylo Ren"s Coolest Force Trick 8 Years After The Force Awakens

  • Yoda's Force abilities in an animated TV show prove he can do more than Kylo Ren, showcasing his immense power and skills.
  • Yoda's mastery and control of the Force, developed over hundreds of years, suggests that he may be more powerful than the Skywalker family.
  • Yoda's ability to stand against dangerous Force users and even surpass them, such as countering Force lightning, establishes him as more powerful than Kylo Ren in Star Wars canon.
Kylo Ren made a lasting impression in Star Wars: The Force Awakens with his impressive Force trick, but Yoda has now done something better. When Poe Dameron tried to kill Kylo Ren by shooting him, he stopped the blaster bolt in midair with the Force, holding it in place for several minutes before leaving Jakku. It immediately conveyed Kylo Ren's power and felt special because nothing like it had ever been done in the Star Wars movies.
Thanks to the animated TV shows, Yoda has had more opportunities to display his immeasurable Force abilities outside the movies. The latest example shows how Yoda could perform the same Force trick as Kylo Ren while adding other abilities to make it even better. It reinforces why Yoda was one of the greatest Jedi who ever lived and suggests that he may have been more powerful than the Skywalkers.


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