Wow, DC"s New Lex Luthor Just Beat Superman Without Breaking A Sweat

Warning! This article contains spoilers for My Adventures with Superman season 2, episode 4.
  • Lex Luthor's effortless victory over Superman in My Adventures with Superman season 2, episode 4 sets up a dangerous dynamic for Clark Kent.
  • The battle between Task Force X and Superman at S.T.A.R. Labs highlights the public's wavering support for the latter and sees them back Lex.
  • With Lex Luthor gaining power and resources, Clark faces a challenging future filled with battles against his powerful nemesis.
My Adventures with Superman has highlighted how Lex Luthor has managed to beat Superman with little effort. After the ending of My Adventures with Superman season 1, the character of Alex has slowly been transitioning into a more classic Lex Luthor. This has been highlighted in My Adventures with Superman season 2, specifically episode 4.
In this episode, Jimmy Olsen and Clark Kent attend an expo at S.T.A.R. Labs. Once there, however, Jimmy is pulled into a debate against Lex Luthor, arguing whether Superman is as helpful as he seems. This sets up a dynamic that will likely continue in upcoming DCU movies and TV shows, with Lex viewing Superman as a dangerous alien who could turn on the human race at a moment's notice. Through the events of My Adventures with Superman season 2, episode 4, Lex Luthor manages to win his first battle against the titular DC hero without lifting a finger.


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