Superman"s New Costume Criticisms Have 1 Great Point I Can"t Stop Thinking About After Henry Cavill

  • David Corenswet's Superman costume received mixed reactions, with some fans criticizing its lack of alien appearance.
  • The costume's more functional design contrasts with Henry Cavill's expression of identity in the DCEU.
  • But James Gunn's approach to Superman in the DCU emphasizes the hero's established presence, focusing on his proactive choice to be a hero.
David Corenswet's new costume for Superman has proved not to be quite the slam-dunk it could have been for DC's new DCU franchise. Even filtering out the bad-faith takes designed to monetize hatred (you know the ones), both the first Superman costume reveal, and subsequent set photos have brought some complaints.
I think it's a good-looking costume, all told, with the right blend of modernism and classic design elements - a balance James Gunn seems to be channeling in all of Superman's aesthetic. But even my generally positive outlook on the costume can't quite silence one issue that has come up elsewhere: that his suit simply doesn't feel like it belongs to an alien on Earth. And that got me thinking why that was a problem in the first place.


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