The Marvels Star Gives Perfect Response to Movie’s Disappointing Box Office

The Marvels star Iman Vellani shared her thoughts on her movie"s poor — for MCU standards — box office performance.
A throughline in most reviews of the new movie so far has been Vellani"s stand-out performance as Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) — even in some of the more negative reactions. She made her acting debut starring 2022"s Ms. Marvel, before this sequel became her first big-screen movie.
However, the movie is performing less than ideally at the box office, which came after suffering the weakest pre-sales the MCU has seen in recent years. A week after release, The Marvels hasn"t even grossed $150 million worldwide. That"s unprecedently low by Marvel Studios standards.
This can be attributed to many factors - The Marvels had no press tour because of the SAG-AFTRA strike, many are coming in with misogynistic pre-determined opinions, the film under-performed on Rotten Tomatoes and in CinemaScore"s ratings, and MCU fatigue continues to hit fans hard.
Iman Vellani on The Marvels" Box Office MarvelIn an interview with Yahoo Entertainment, Iman Vellani (Ms. Marvel) explained that, to her, there is no reason to dwell on The Marvels" disappointing run at the box office, as it was not something she could control, and reminded fans to "never be the wet blanket on someone else’s excitement.”
Vellani explained that she does not want "to focus on" factors out of her control — in this case, The Marvels" box-office performance, leaving that job to Disney CEO Bob Iger:
"I don’t want to focus on something that’s not even in my control, because what’s the point? ... That’s for Bob Iger."
She said that she is "happy with the finished product," and that "the people [she cares] about enjoyed the film," adding that she is "just so happy that [she] can share it with people:"
"[The box office] has nothing to do with me ... I’m happy with the finished product, and the people that I care about enjoyed the film. It’s genuinely a good time watching this movie, and that’s all we can ask for with these films. It has superheroes, it take place in space, it’s not that deep and it’s about teamwork and sisterhood. It’s a fun movie, and I’m just so happy that I can share it with people."
Vellani explained how she has had practice being "shut ... down for being so excited" about something, and that she hopes not to see that among MCU fans as "it does feel awful:"
"I had a lot of experience in high school alone when I would share my excitement with someone, and then they’d immediately shut me down for being so excited ... I would hate to see that within the fan community as well, because it does feel awful."
She advised fans to "let [people] be excited," adding that while "constructive criticism" should be voiced, fans should "never be the wet blanket on someone else’s excitement:"
"If people are excited about something, let them be excited about it. And if you have constructive criticism, voice it — but never be the wet blanket on someone else’s excitement."
Could The Marvels Make a Box-Office Comeback?The Marvels has only been in theaters for a short time, so there is still time for it to turn around with critics and at the box office.
There are plenty of fans like Vellani who are excited about this movie, and it is not like The Marvels is not reaching audiences at all.
With Thanksgiving in the United States coming soon, many will be off of school or work, giving those to whom this movie is not necessarily a priority but would still be fun to see time to go to theaters.
Furthermore, with the SAG-AFTRA strike ending just days before The Marvels officially hit theaters, its cast has been working diligently to make up for lost time promoting the movie in its early weeks.
The Marvels is currently playing in theaters.


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