
快看!柔州王儲殿下又再向巫統中央領導開炮了!這回他竟然這樣反擊~~~太霸氣了!柔州王儲又一次與巫統領袖開戰了!這回他霸氣回應巫統宣傳局的質疑說:《我不需要聽取失敗者的意見!》柔州王儲雖然沒有指名道姓,但是熟悉內情者都知道,殿下是在回擊巫統宣傳局主任丹斯里安華慕沙。 王儲殿下在他的面子書賬號上公開回擊安華慕沙:《他把吉蘭丹州足總領導得一塌糊塗,明明每年擁有贊助商1600萬贊助費和體育部的可觀撥款,結果呢?結果不但沒有為吉蘭丹足總帶來豐厚的利潤,反而還欠下一屁股的債!》王儲殿下說:《一個失敗者不配對我指指點點,我不需要一個失敗者給我提供什麼意見。》王儲殿下與安華慕沙之間舌戰的導火線,是因為殿下質疑大馬足球總會一系列的行政僵化、政策失當,導致足運水平不斷往下滑,世界排名也一跌再跌,令國人蒙羞。隨著大馬足總新屆領導層改選,吉蘭丹足總會長安華慕沙於是揶揄柔州王儲殿下;問他敢不敢親自站出來競選大馬足總會長職位?《或者派代理人出來領導大馬足總?》 柔州王儲殿下也是柔州足總會長。他來而不往非禮也,立即霸氣回應安華慕沙:《吉蘭丹足總擁有那麼多現金和贊助費,竟然沒有用在培訓年輕球員和州內足球運動方面,反而花大錢聘請外國教練,砸大量現金欠下三名外國球員,錢亂花了卻不見成績有多出眾。》因此殿下說:《我不需要一個失敗者給我提供什麼意見,他有本事管好自己州屬的足球運動吧!》事實上,安華慕沙已經在一個月前引咎辭職,不再擔任吉蘭丹足總會長。一個已經不是足總會長的人竟然敢對柔州王儲指指點點,難怪王儲殿下那麼不給臉的狠狠反駁了!I don』t take advice from failed leader, TMJ tells Umno info chief Johor crown prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim has taken a thinly-veiled swipe at Umno information chief Annuar Musa, stressing that he will not take advice from leaders who 「failed to lead」.「I don』t need to take advice from a leader who has failed to lead,」 he said in a Facebook posting.This was after Annuar, who last month resigned as Kelantan Football Association (Kafa) president, advised Tunku Ismail to decide if he wanted to become the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) president and not govern by proxy. Tunku Ismail did not name Annuar, merely addressing him as 「a Tan Sri」 and ripped into him for leading Kafa into further financial trouble despite a RM16 million sponsorship by Vida Beauty.「When you were in the position where you had numerous sponsors, you should have used that opportunity to clear all your debts.「Instead, you made the executive decision to employ a new foreign coach as well as three additional foreign players. 「With this decision, the ones who fell victim were the local players as they didn』t receive their salaries. Priority should be given to the local players and not the foreigners...


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