Deadpool 2"s Bath Scene Called Absurd By Actual Yakuza Expert

  • Experts rate a bath scene in Deadpool 2 as absurd and unrealistic, pointing out inaccuracies such as wearing underwear and bringing swords into a bathhouse.
  • The Yakuza expert criticizes the scene for not accurately representing Yakuza culture and the rules surrounding blades in Japan.
  • Despite its absurdity, Deadpool 2 remains an enjoyable and ridiculous movie, which is part of its charm. The success of Deadpool 3 will depend on whether it takes risks and incorporates the unique aspects of the MCU while maintaining the R-rated romp style.
A video that sees experts rating movie scenes on their realism has focussed on one bath scene in Deadpool 2 that a Yakuza expert has dubbed absurd. Deadpool 2 is a ridiculous movie for many reasons, which is part of what makes it so enjoyable. So it's not surprising that the opening montage that depicts Deadpool summarily executing Yakuza members in various situations - including one where he pops out from a casket in the middle of a funeral - would include some pretty unbelievable moments. It's fair to say that some creative license has been wielded as capably as Deadpool's katanas, however.
Tatsuya Shindo is a Pastor and ex Yakuza member who has seven convictions and has been to prison three times. The Deadpool 2 scene in that he watched specifically was one in which Deadpool enters a bathhouse where several Yakuza members are bathing with their katana. He draws his swords, they draw theirs, and chaos ensues as they exit their respective baths dressed in underwear. Asked to rate the scene on its realism, Tatsuya, unsurprisingly, has a few criticisms to make.
Yakuza love to bathe. They love public baths.I love them too. In prison, you can only take a bath for 15 minutes. That's why these days I only want to take slow baths.
It doesn't look like a bathhouse. They would never wear underwear there, ever. There's no way you'd take a sword inside a bath. That would ruin a sword right away.
Of course, there is a law in Japan about blade length. Blade length is regulated. If you have a blade that's longer than this, you will be arrested immediately. So you can't just walk around with one unnecessarily.
This film is absurd. If I were to rate how realistic it is on a scale of 1 to 10, I would give it minus 5.


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