Every Way Loki"s Ending Copied Thor, 12 Years Later

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Loki season 2.
  • Loki destroys the Temporal Loom, reminiscent of Thor destroying the Bifröst Bridge, showing their willingness to sacrifice important things to save others.
  • Loki's actions are motivated by his love for Sylvie, similar to how Thor's actions were driven by his love for Jane Foster.
  • Loki demonstrates that magic and science are intertwined, just as Thor explained to Jane in the first Thor film, by using his newfound magical powers to fix the timeline.
Season 2 of Loki came to a close on an epic note, having major implications that ripple across the MCU while visually and thematically referencing the first Thor film. The Loki season 2 finale elevated Loki's godly status to new heights, leaving him at the center of creation for the Marvel Universe's chronology. Through his adventures with the TVA, Loki has far surpassed his Asgardian origins, and in doing so, he becomes even more like his brother and father.
Despite featuring Thor's major antagonist as its hero, Loki doesn't have much to do with any of the Thormovies, focusing instead on the grander fate of the Sacred Timeline. An underrated entry in Thor's MCU story, Phase One's Thor has gotten surprising recognition from Loki's season 2 finale, with the trickster god mirroring his brother's journey. Redditor u/hapworth_16_1924 astutely observed these similarities in a thread discussing the finale.


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