Darth Vader"s 15 Best One-Liners In Canon & Legends

There's more than one reason Darth Vader is one of the best villains in Star Wars and cinematic history, but one of them is certainly his iconic dialogue. Although his sinister breathing would have been terrifying enough, the Dark Lord of the Sith delivers a plethora of one-liners throughout the Skywalker saga, proving time and again that he's a force to be reckoned with. Likewise, some of Darth Vader's best lines have also come from outside the films and the official canon.
In the Star Wars galaxy, Darth Vader was born at the dawn of the Empire which rose from the ashes of the fallen Republic. Once a Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker was corrupted by the dark side of the Force, the new apprentice to Emperor Palpatine who quickly became feared across the galaxy as an immensely powerful Sith Lord. Here are some of the best one-liners and quotes from Darth Vader in the official Star Wars canon as well as in Legends (in no particular order).


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