William Shatner Reveals Classic Star Trek Drink Was Actually "Disgusting"

This article covers a developing story. Continue to check back with us as we will be adding more information as it becomes available.Summary
  • William Shatner, in his memoir "Star Trek Memories," admits that the drink Tranya enjoyed by Captain Kirk in Star Trek: The Original Series was actually "disgusting."
  • Shatner provides insights into the creation of Star Trek, filming the sci-fi series, and the decision to scrap the original pilot, "The Cage."
  • In a specific episode, "The Corbomite Maneuver," Shatner recounts his experience filming alongside a young Clint Howard, and reveals the truth about Tranya, which was warm and food-colored apricot juice.
William Shatner debunks a classic drink that Captain James T. Kirk enjoyed in Star Trek: The Original Series, revealing it was actually "disgusting." In 1993, Shatner published his memoir "Star Trek Memories" (co-written by Chris Kreski) which looked back at his years playing the Captain of the USS Enterprise in the 1960s. "Star Trek Memories" also details how Gene Roddenberry created Star Trek, what it was like filming the classic sci-fi series from the ground up, and how Roddenberry's original pilot, "The Cage," was scrapped by NBC in favor of the successful reinvention starring Shatner as Captain Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as the Vulcan Mr. Spock.
In "Star Trek Memories," William Shatner discusses filming the Star Trek: The Original Series season 1 episode, "The Corbomite Maneuver," which guest starred a very young Clint Howard. The episode's climax sees Captain Kirk beam aboard the Fesarius, which is the ship controlled by Balok (Howard), and the diminutive alien offers the Starship Enterprise crew his beloved drink called Tranya. Shatner reveals Tranya was not as delicious as he made the audience believe. Read his quote below:
Kirk befriends the little green supergenius and partakes of Trania [sic] (which was actually disgusting, warm, food-colored apricot juice...


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