10 Bat Family Members The DCU Needs To Introduce

  • Including more Bat Family members expands the DC Universe and adds depth to character relationships.
  • Characters like Nightwing, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, and more should be incorporated in The Brave and the Bold movie.
  • The potential introduction of Jason Todd will provide a fresh and diverse perspective to the Bat Family.
The Brave and the Bold promises to introduce members of the Bat Family to the DC Universe. Batman is usually known as a lone hero, but the phrase "The Brave and the Bold" has been used to describe a team-up of close friends. Damian Wayne is already confirmed to feature, but there are several crucial companions that the upcoming movie or subsequent DC installments should also use. The Bat Family is important to Bruce Wayne's legacy, and their inclusion will aid the new direction this rebooted universe is hoping to take.
Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul, raised by the League of Assassins.
James Gunn is promising to make the DCU increasingly expansive. Introducing more Bat Family members would aid that endeavor as some have led their own comic book storylines. The DC Universe’s first chapter, Gods and Monsters, promises more of a focus on characters that blur the line between heroes and villains. As many of these vigilantes come from troubled backgrounds and deal with issues of identity, they would perfectly match the thematic thread Gunn hopes to produce. Moreover, each entry will serve great importance in characterizing this new Batman’s qualities as a hero, a leader and a father.


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