Deadpool & Wolverine Secret Message Claims It Won"t Have A Credits Scene

  • The Deadpool & Wolverine movie will not have Marvel's after-credits sequence.
  • Disney released the trailer and tickets are now on sale for the movie.
  • Reynolds shared a video on YouTube listing what viewers can expect from the film.
The latest Deadpool & Wolverine trailer hides a link to a secret message from Ryan Reynolds in which the actor claims the movie will "completely sidestep Marvel’s mandated after-credits sequence."
Today, Disney announced that tickets for Deadpool & Wolverine are on sale and released a new trailer, which had a QR code hidden within that led to a video posted on Ryan Reynolds' personal YouTube account. In the video, Reynolds lists off things viewers can expect from the upcoming MCU movie, one of which is a lack of post-credits scenes. See the video below.
We’re very excited to be joining you July 26. Many of you are very excited. But we should set the table correctly. This film is as paper thin as a sequel to Battlefield Earth. We’re mostly going to beat each other senseless, make enemies with Disney, tell a few d-ck jokes, make a few jokes at my expense, make a lot of jokes at Hugh’s expense, and completely sidestep Marvel’s mandated after-credits sequence, which if you haven’t figured it out yet, is always just a commercial for another movie which will invariably end with a commercial for another movie. So sit back, relax, let us lower your IQ and raise your heart rate while we travel to a vapid Dreamland, a place where grown men and grown women walk around in tights, and act like it’s not a giant cultural cry for help. This is CINEMA.
Source: Ryan Reynolds/YouTube


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