A Great Wesley Crusher TNG Episode Hinted At His Best Star Trek Destiny

  • Wesley Crusher's character development in TNG season 1, episode 17 showcases his leadership skills and empathy, making him more likable to viewers.
  • The episode reveals Wesley's fundamentally good nature and his resistance to letting power go to his head, as demonstrated by his responsible use of his Traveler abilities.
  • Wesley Crusher's return in Star Trek: Picard season 2 as a mentor to Kore Soong sets up potential future storylines exploring their lives as Travelers and their relationships with other characters.
Star Trek: The Next Generation season 1 hinted at the destiny ahead for Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton). Wesley was not always the most popular character on The Next Generation, but TNG season 1, episode 17, "When the Bough Breaks," is one of his best episodes. When the USS Enterprise-D follows a trail of strange energy readings, they discover the mythological planet of Aldea. Although rumors of this seemingly idyllic planet had existed for years, it was believed by many to be nothing more than a legend. It turns out that the Aldean people have an advanced computer called the Custodian that sees to all of their basic needs, allowing them to focus on arts and culture.
After the Aldeans greet Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and Commander William Riker (Jonathan Frakes), they reveal that they cannot have children and request that the Enterprise trade some of the children on board in exchange for information. Picard and Riker, of course, vehemently refuse this trade, but the Aldean people beam Wesley and a few other kids down to their planet anyway. As Picard works to get the children back, the Aldeans try to help the kids adapt to their new life. As the oldest in the bunch, Wesley becomes the unofficial leader, comforting the youngest kids and devising a plan to return to the Enterprise.


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