10 Coolest Batman Gadgets Bruce Wayne Never Used In 4 DCEU Movie Appearances

  • Batman in the DCEU had cool gadgets, but missed iconic items like freeze bombs and a heated batarang for unique battles.
  • The collapsible sword, propeller boots, and remote-controlled batarang were some unique gadgets the DCEU Batman never utilized.
  • Some comics-inspired gadgets like the Bat-Eye, bullet-proof face shield, and finger taser could have added interesting layers to Ben Affleck's Batman.
The Batman of the DC Extended Universe showed off some great gadgetry in his four movie appearances, but missed a few crucial items along The Caped Crusader's comic utility belt. Ben Affleck put in a unique performance among live-action Batman actors, adding a layer of grittiness and ruthlessness to the already hardened hero. This was reflected in his tools, vehicles, and weaponry, which spanned a pretty impressive variety of utilitarian and high-tech implements.
That being said, there were a few creative and iconic Batman gadgets that the DCEU's version of the character never got to make use of. Despite showing off everything from grappling hooks to grenade launchers in his appearances throughout the DCEU's films, Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne still had a few noticeable blind spots in his arsenal. Whether they originate from the comics themselves, other movies, or even video games, some of the coolest Batman gadgets never got their time in the spotlight within the DCEU.
10 Freeze Bombs Multi-purpose grenades with an frosty effect Ben Affleck's Batman got to use far more grenades than most movie Batmen, employing sticky bombs, lead smokescreens, and kryptonite dust-filled gas canisters in his dark battles for justice. One iconic Bat-grenade that never made an appearance, however, is the freeze bomb of Arkham video game series fame. Usually depicted as being reverse-engineered from the technology of Mr. Freeze, these explosives quickly cover a wide radius with a coat of ice.
The freeze bombs are a great non-lethal weapon and tool, equally capable of reinforcing failing structures or stopping criminals dead in their tracks. It's also particularly handy against superpowered opponents, something that Batman faced particularly frequently in the DCEU. It's a shame Ben Affleck never got to fling a cryogenic capsule of frosty firepower on a parademon or two throughout his entire DCEU movie run.
9 Collapsible Sword One of the coolest and most creative weapons in Batman's arsenal Batman is notable in the DCEU in particular for being decidedly more deadly than the average Dark Knight. Capable and willing to kill his enemies outright, Affleck's Batman likely wouldn't object to using some less than nonlethal means to quickly take out powered aliens and human goons alike. That makes it all the more surprising that the collapsible sword never got use in the DCEU.
One of Batman's more stylish combat options to reach for, the collabile sword is a flexible metal or energy-based blade that uses his utility belt like a sheath. When it's time to be drawn, the belt can be unbuckled, allowing the sword to be pulled from its housing and stiffened for combat. The collapsible sword is perhaps most famous for its use in the underrated cartoon, Batman: The Brave and the Bold.
8 The Heated Batarang A fiery variation on Batman's classic throwing weapon The batarang may be the most instantly recognizable gadget of Batman's toolkit. While they've taken many appearances over the years, these throwing weapons are an ever-present item in Batman's utility belt, no matter the version, sure to at least get some screentime. The DCEU's Batman incarnation is no exception, although the series misses out on exploring some of the more offbeat variations of the typical bladed batarang Batman uses in the comics.
One of the most prominent versions of the humble batarang is the heated batarang. With fast-heating metal that both cuts and stabs, a generous dosage of extreme heat helps the small batarang pack a bigger punch. In the comics, these weapons are particularly useful against Clayface, whose amorphous hide is said to be dried out by extreme temperatures. Ben Affleck's Batman gets tantalizingly close to the heated batarang with his branding ring, but the painful-looking device never evolves into a throwing weapon.
7 Propeller Boots Allows Batman to navigate any environment A popular running joke in the DC Comics fandom revolves around Batman's constant preparedness, always having a plan ready to spring into place for even the most obscure situations. No gadget better works as a microcosm of this preparation than the propeller boots. Just like the name implies, these boots secretly house a small pair of propellers in the soles, allowing Batman to easily traverse aquatic environments quickly without needing to swim.
Interestingly, the DCEU did introduce some of Batman's water-based gadgetry, using a re-breather to pursue Joker and Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad after the two take a long drive off a short pier in Joker's tricked-out car. Even though this was a perfect chance to give audiences a glimpse of Batman's other tricks when forced to get wet, the propeller boots didn't make the cut. Perhaps the sequel to Micheal Reeves' Batman movie can do so, considering The Batman ends with Gotham flooded.
6 Projectile Cowl Ears A goofy last-resort weapon for a distracting strike The iconic cowl helps make up Batman's imposing silhouette, incomplete without the addition of the character's recognizable bat ears. But what isn't as well known is the fact that the ears actually serve a practical purpose beyond aesthetics and intimidation. In some comic appearances, Batman's ears can actually fire as powerful, spring-loaded projectiles, working as a surprise attack that might help him during crucial moments.
Unfortunately, between the difficulty in manufacturing a situation to have Batman use this niche gadget in and the inherent silliness of how the cowl looks after the ears have been spent, the projectile ears never saw use in the DCEU. It doesn't help that Affleck's Batman went for the shorter The Dark Knight Returns-style ears, reducing the threat profile of any ear-based attack even further. The closest this trick has ever been to being pulled in live-action is when Christian Bale's Batman fires the blades on his gauntlet at the Joker as a crucial distraction in Nolan's The Dark Knight.
5 Remote-Controlled Batarang Adds a high-tech layer to the simple batarang The batarang has had many fascinating different variations within the DC Comcis, but few are as high-tech as the remote-controlled batarang. The idea of this device was popularized by the Arkham video game series, in which the Batman can control the lazy flight path of a slow-moving batarang to hit specific targets in hard-to-reach areas. Meanwhile, Michael Keaton's Batman in Batman Returns uses a similar variation that follows a pre-programmed trajectory, hitting multiple bad guys in one throw.
Even though Michael Keaton reprised his role as Batman in the DCEU's The Flash, not all his famous gadgetry came with him. While Ben Affleck's Batman can match or beat Keaton's in a contest of gadgetry in most cases, the remote-operated batarang is one department in which the original comes out on top. If only the DCEU dug just a little deeper in Keaton's utility belt, the sophisticated device might finally come back around on the silver screen.
4 Bat-Net Drones Fire-and-forget devices that trivialize catching crooks Speaking of flying electronic drones, Batman's repertoire of automatic tracking weapons has only become more sophisticated as the comics have gone on. Enter the bat-net drones, tiny self-propelled devices that pack a big punch. First, these small machines appear as mechanical flying bats, hovering in place or tracking targets on their own. When they're ready, the drones then fire a net at their hapless prey, leaving them neutralized and contained.
Being such a deadly fighter, Ben Affleck's Batman was unlikely to waste time using such a convoluted nonlethal gadget. More likely to shoot someone or blow them up than trap them in a net, finding a space to introduce the bat-net drones into the DCEU's repertoire for Batman would've been a difficult prospect. Still, it's a shame these cool and thematic devices haven't gotten any love from movie adaptations.
3 The Bat-Eye The most iconic fixture of Batman's surveillance technology It's easy to forget that many of Batman's gadgets help him live up to his title as the world's greatest detective rather than help him keep up with superpowered villains in combat. The DCEU actually did a fairly good job at this, giving Batman tracking darts, devices that could copy entire phones at a glance, and spyware that surreptitiously downloaded the contents of Lex Luthor's private servers. However, the franchise missed out on providing Batman with one of his most famous surveillance implements, the Bat-Eye.
A hovering black orb, the Bat-Eye acts as a sort of super-camera, flying through the air by unknown means and keeping tabs on persons of interest from afar. When the gadget debuted, the idea of a flying camera was much more novel -- Now, flying camera drones are a reality of filmmaking and relatively common hobbyist items. Still, an homage to the Bat-Eye with some sort of modern makeover would be appreciated in any Batman movie.
2 The Bullet-Proof Face Shield Deus Ex Machina or a genius piece of technology? One of the single most controversial gadgets ever used by Batman in the comics is also one of his coolest. Typically, Batman's costume leaves a notable weak spot exposed, with his chin and mouth open to punches and gunshots alike. No matter how iron Bruce Wayne's jaw may be, this fleshy target is seemingly always in danger, no matter how bulletproof the rest of his costume may be. In the controversial solo-book, Batman: Odyssey, writers found a solution for this problem.
Despite seemingly being down for the count, Batman is able to deploy a clear face-shield of bulletproof glass that activates by voice, deploying in time to save him from a point-blank gunshot. Far-fetched but practical, this device has to be taken at the same face value as Batman's other tactics in the same comic, including dual-wielding firearms. Considering the DCEU's own laxadical stance on giving Batman guns, the inclusion of the face-shield on Aflleck's cowl might've been strangely appropriate.
1 The Finger Taser A concealed weapon sure to deliver a shock Compared to most Batman incarnations, the DCEU's Dark Knight was unafraid to fight with lethal means. Because of this, he never got much mileage out of tasers, unlike the electrified gauntlets of Christian Bale's Batman arsenal. Unfortunately, this means that Ben Affleck missed out on using one of Batman's coolest pieces of weaponry hidden in plain sight.
In Detective Comics #871, Batman turns the tables on someone holding him up by firing miniature taser darts out of the tips of his gauntlets' fingers. Though tiny, these wires carry a powerful electric current capable of knocking any would-be assailant out cold. Even if he liked to kill first and ask questions later, the DCEU's version of Batman should've gotten at least one chance to use this clever piece of gear, still yet to be adapted for any live-action Batman movie.
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