First Look at Emilia Clarke's Marvel Skrull Released | The Direct

The newest trailer for the upcoming MCU series Secret Invasion dropped Sunday night, and with it came one of the first looks at an all-grown-up character from Captain Marvel, as played by Emilia Clarke.
Clarke"s role was kept highly under wraps throughout filming and production of Secret Invasion, only being revealed as G"iah, Talos" daughter from Captain Marvel grown up and seemingly on Earth, a couple days before the trailer"s release.
Ben Mendelsohn will be returning as Talos in the show, finally paying off the endings of both Captain Marvel, regarding Talos and his family, and Spider-Man: Far From Home, regarding Talos posing as Nick Fury on Earth for some time.
Now, fans can see a glimpse at what G"iah has been up to with the first looks at Clarke in her role"s alien form.
Skrull Unveiled in New PhotosPlaying a grown-up G"iah, Talos" young daughter from Captain Marvel, Emilia Clarke made her first appearances in her character"s alien form in new images from Vanity Fair, as well as April 2"s Secret Invasion trailer.
Marvel StudiosThis still from the newest series trailer — around one minute and 26 seconds in — shows Clarke, portraying G"iah in her human disguise.
As a Skrull, she can shape-shift into any human form. It is unknown if Clarke"s likeness is another character G"iah is adapting to look like, or the human form G"iah feels most closely resembles her true self.
Marvel StudiosVanity Fair offered the first peek at G"iah in her natural, green humanoid-alien form, looking into a mirror.
Marvel StudiosG"iah"s Secret Invasion look seems like a natural progression from the last version of the character fans saw when G"iah was a young Skrull back in Captain Marvel. The looks of the young actor and Clarke match well.
What Might G"iah"s Role in Secret Invasion Be?Given the first trailers for the series, and the comic by by Brian Michael Bendis and Leinil Francis Yu it is based on, it"s safe to assume the Skrulls will play a large role in Secret Invasion.
Talos occupies a high position among the Skrulls, as seen in Captain Marvel. Perhaps, while he was on Earth impersonating Nick Fury, his daughter took on some of his responsibilities. Now that the Skrull"s and humans" stories are converging once again, it may be time for father and daughter to reunite.
Additionally, G"iah"s last appearance saw her getting along well with a young Monica Rambeau. Perhaps sometime in the future, fans will be able to see the two reunite as adults — especially given Monica"s major role in The Marvels.
Secret Invasion will premiere on Disney+ on June 21.


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