12 Best Star Wars Cliffhangers, Ranked According To Impact

  • Star Wars stories often end on cliffhangers, building excitement for the next release and honoring the tradition of adventure serials.
  • Some Star Wars cliffhangers take months or even years to be resolved, leaving fans with unanswered questions and generating fan theories.
  • Memorable cliffhangers in Star Wars include General Grievous' attack, the search for Revan, and Ahsoka's departure from the Jedi Order.
The Star Wars franchise includes many cliffhanger endings that leave the audience asking questions and demanding answers in the next installment. Star Wars creator George Lucas was inspired by the adventure serials he grew up watching as a child, which often ended on cliffhangers that would be resolved the following week. This kept audiences coming back and demanded a recap at the start of each serial, leading Lucas to include an opening crawl at the beginning of each Star Wars movie. It's logical for new Star Wars stories to honor this tradition by ending on cliffhangers that build excitement for the next release.
Star Wars now features an impressive variety of cliffhangers across every medium, each ending the story with mystery and excitement. While some cliffhangers are resolved after a few months, others go unanswered for many years, and a few never see any resolution. 12 Star Wars cliffhangers stand out for their memorability, execution, and impact on the audience.


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