"A Sight To Behold" - Jedi: Survivor Brings Back The Best Part Of Rogue One

In Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, players get to tag along with Cal Kestis as he visits multiple planets from the Star Wars universe, including one that was a crucial part of the movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The events of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor happen almost ten years before Rogue One in the Star Wars timeline, as the game takes place in 9 BBY. Out of all the planets Cal visits, the people he interacts with, and the Star Wars lore that the game explores, one planet is very important to it all.
In Screen Rant's review of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, it's said that this game does a wonderful job of providing a look at the lore of multiple generations of Star Wars content without being too confusing. In the game, players get to dig even deeper into some of this content in exploring the open-world nature of some of these planets, one of which is of particular interest to fans of Rogue One. An interesting one-off in the movie content from the Star Wars franchise, Rogue One introduces a lot of information within its story.


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