10 Best Moments From X-Men "97, Ranked

  • X-Men '97 is filled with iconic moments, stunning animation, and compelling drama that fans of the original series will love.
  • Professor X asserts his powers against the Shi'ar empire in a mesmerizing scene of persuasion and leadership in episode 6.
  • Gambit's selfless sacrifice in episode 5 is a heartbreaking yet defining moment that sets the tone for the rest of the series.
Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for X-Men '97
X-Men '97 has quickly produced some of the best X-Men moments ever put to screen, with the first season alone introducing a whole host of newly-iconic scenes that are sure to live on as classics. Picking up where the finale of X-Men: The Animated Series left off, X-Men '97 re-unites the beloved mutant heroes to tackle dangerous threats new and old. With the final episode of X-Men '97's first season having hit Disney+, the series has officially ended strong with a host of breathtaking moments.
Some of these sequences are the result of the series' stunningly beautiful animation, which calls back to the art of the original series while giving it a healthy injection of modern techniques and a higher budget. Others instead simply rely on the compelling drama of the narrative as the characters clash with one another on both the battlefield and in more personal affairs. The best moments of the cartoon combine both strengths, giving season 2 of X-Men '97 some big shoes to fill.
10 Professor X Takes The Shi'ar To School Episode 6: Lifedeath - Part 2 X-Men: The Animated Series ended with Professor Charles Xavier being whisked away to the far reaches of the Shi'ar empire in outer space in order to survive his condition, leaving the X-Men without a leader. While much of X-Men '97 revolves around his students' struggle to find their way without Professor X's guidance, X-Men '97 also takes some time to describe Xavier's life among the Shi'ar people. By far the most compelling moment of these scenes is in episode 6, Lifedeath, in which Professor X psychically dominates the empire's political turmoil.
It's incredibly satisfying to watch Professor X go from a barely-tolerated outsider to a domineering teacher that forces the Shi'ar to examine their own imperialistic ways. The fact that he's able to almost convince them to do better is a testament to Charles' powers of persuasion and relentless optimism. If there's one thing bringing the scene down, it's the fact that Charles' own ideals are being actively disproven in Genosha at the same time, and the sad reality that his words ultimately do nothing to inspire positive change in the spacefaring expansionists.
9 The X-Men Take Out Master Mold Episode 1: To Me, My X-Men Sometimes, a thrilling action sequence is all it takes to make an impression on new viewers and returning fans, and X-Men '97 certainly understood the power of a well-choreographed battle early on in the series. There are a slew of excellent fight scenes in X-Men '97, but one of the best and most satisfying might be the team's efforts against the revived Master Mold. Tracking the Sentinel manufacturer to a remote desert, it's up to the mutant strike force to take down their old enemy once and for all.
Seeing the various characters of X-Men '97 use their unique gifts against a classic enemy was a true return to form for the continuity. From Storm striking the desert with lightning strong enough to turn sand into glass to Beast jury-rigging one of the sentinels on the fly to fight its comrades, each mutant is given a chance to shine. But the best moments are the team-up attacks that utilize multiple powers at once, especially Gambit charging up Wolverine's claws with kinetic energy. Even if it is just spectacle against a weak opponent, this battle deserves commendation.
8 Cyclops Vs The Friends Of Humanity Episode 1: To Me, My X-Men In the wake of the Fox X-Men live-action movies, Cyclops had a pretty bad rap. Despite having an unfair reputation as a boring character by those unfamiliar with the comics, X-Men '97 was able to turn around the public perception of Scott Summers as a bona-fide leader and ferociously cool combatant. The brief, but spectacular sequence of him single-handedly taking down a radical Friends of Humanity cell was proof enough of this success.
This fight unquestionably proves why Cyclops is the X-Men's field leader, effortlessly skating around the battlefield using the recoil of his optic blasts. Cyclops is no slouch, whether locked in hand-to-hand combat or assuring the fearful Roberto that everything would be okay with a cocky smile. While his final line in the scene, "I surrender...Not!", might be cheesy enough to dock a few points from the fight, the ensuing full-power burst of energy from his un-shielded eyes is enough to codify Cyclops' triumphant return as a fan-favorite.
7 Storm Faces Her Fear Episode 6: Lifedeath - Part 2 Custom Image by Debanjana Chowdhury Though the X-Men might be better known for going up against external threats like supervillains, sometimes the toughest battles Marvel's mutants face are the internal conflicts that rage within. Fewer X-Men scenes in X-Men '97, or any X-Men media, for that matter, demonstrate this better than Storm's sequence of getting her powers back. After facing her literal fear, overcoming her claustrophobia and literal demons in the form of the Adversary, Storm is re-born, overcoming the effects of the neutralizer that took away her mutation.
The triumphant message of this moment is outshone only by the impressive visuals, as Storm blasts away the rock trapping her with a newfound gust of wind and lightning. Ororo completes her emotional journey with a physical transformation, crafting a new suit reminiscent of her original comic appearance out of the very feathers of the Adversary. Letting go of her fear of being a target, Storm's re-claiming of her power is a touching moment, even if it does prioritize emotional storytelling over a logical narrative.
6 Nightcrawler And Wolverine Take On The Prime Sentinels Episode 8: Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 1 After Gambit's tragic death, Nightcrawler ends up assuming his spot on the team, lending his agile mutant body and teleportation abilities to the X-Men. When paired with his twin rapier swords, Kurt's combat prowess is nothing to underestimate, as shown off when he teams up with Wolverine to fight off the insidious Prime Sentinels in episode 8, Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 1, protecting Rogue's helpless body. It may not be the most emotionally or narratively impactful moment, but the sheer style of Wolverine and Nightcrawler's team-up more than makes up for it.
Hoisting a third rapier in his prehensile tail, Nightcrawler joins the fray after Wolverine is sent plummeting back into the X-Mansion, joining him in slicing up Bastion's terrifying Prime Sentinels. Their combined assault looks like something out of a high-octane video game, with the stunning art direction of the series shining brighter than ever. No individual beat showcases the slick animation better than when Nightcrawler pulls Wolverine along for the ride, giving audiences a dizzying first-person glimpse into Kurt's signature teleportation.
5 The Phoenix Returns Episode 10: Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 3 After one of many fake-out Jean Grey deaths, the powerful telekinetic manages to even the odds in the X-Men's favor by reforming as the mighty Phoenix. Now in control of her previously dark alter ego, Jean Grey is able to summon all of her power at a crucial moment in the final hour of X-Men '97's first season. Showing just how far Jean Grey has come since first struggling with the grand cosmic influence of the Dark Phoenix, this satisfying moment hits all the right beats.
First and foremost, Jean's return shows off just how strong her raw telekinetic abilities can be, repairing the neutralizer and instantly crumbling Bastion's control of the Prime Sentinels around the globe. For dessert, she's able to tear apart Mr. Sinister at a molecular level, allowing time to catch up to him as his stolen immortality is stripped away. Enhanced with the jaw-dropping animation of the Phoenix's shimmering telekinetic flames, this heroic moment is given the gravity it deserves.
4 Rogue Vs Bastion Episode 10: Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 3 Image via Disney+ The finale of X-Men '97 was responsible for plenty of great scenes, but few were more satisfying than Rogue's one-on-one with Bastion. Calling back to Gambit's sacrifice in episode 5, Rogue is finally given the chance to wail on the man behind her lover's death, leveraging her super strength and flight to its highest potential. Echoing Remy's words, "Remember it!", Rogue's much-deserved payback is a truly cheer-worthy scene.
Pummeling Bastion within an inch of his life just before he can reach the gravity core, Rogue pulls out all the stops to lay the hurt on the genocidal cyborg, from dragging him through machinery to punching him across the lunar surface to unleashing a point-blank sonic clap strong enough to rend his face from his endoskeleton. The subtle details of the tears she sheds as she fights further pay homage to the late Gambit, signifying the great emotional weight this fight has on Rogue's conscience. The only thing holding this sequence back is the fact that Rogue isn't the one to deliver the killing blow.
3 Magneto Was Right Episode 8: Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 1 Many X-Men adaptations have been plagued with the uncomfortable reality that Magneto is essentially morally justified in his actions. While Professor X's idealism is poetic, it isn't practical in the face of terror and genocide, and Magneto could easily be argued as more willing to do what is necessary to ensure the survival of mutantkind. X-Men '97 examines this conceit head-on in the spine-chilling sequence in which he unleashes a devastating electromagnetic pulse across the surface of the Earth, disabling most technology on the planet.
It's important to note that by taking humanity back to the dark ages, Magneto not only shuts down the Prime Sentinels, but erases critical infrastructure for millions at once, killing unspeakable sums of humans relying on life support or traveling by air, not to mention the ensuing mass panic. Yet it's a human who agrees with Magneto's actions, Dr. Valerie Cooper, monologuing over the horrifying visuals of the scale of Erik's destruction. This just goes to show how far Magneto's ideology has resonated, not only with mutants, but even with some empathetic humans.
2 Scott And Jean Say Goodbye To Nathan Episode 10: Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 3 Custom image by Debanjana Chowdhury The ultimate reveal that Cable was, in fact, Scott Summers' child with Madelyne Pryor was one of the most hotly-anticipated mysteries of X-Men: The Animated Series that X-Men '97 was expected to answer. After dropping the bombshell, the cartoon went on to explore the bizarre family dynamics of the Summers family, with Nathan being older than his dad by the time he met him while meeting the original model his clone mother was based off of. For all the confusion, the three manage to have a heartfelt goodbye when Cyclops and Jean believe themselves to be goners.
As Jean telepathically projects herself and Cyclops from space into the wounded Cable's head, they take a moment to say their goodbyes before embarking on what they earnestly believe will be their final mission. The tearjerker of a conversation is made all the harder to watch by Jean helping Cyclops look at his son with his bare eyes, holding back his optic blasts long enough to let Scott tell Nathan that he loves him. This beautiful, yet quiet moment brilliantly culminates a story arc decades in the making.
1 Gambit's Sacrifice Episode 5: Remember It Presciently, the fifth episode of X-Men '97's premiere season, Remember It, names itself after its most shocking and incredible scene. In the midst of the horrific Sentinel attack on Genosha, the mutants scramble to mount a response, doing what they can to save civilians while ineffectually attacking the kaiju-sized killer robot. In the end, it's Gambit who makes the sacrifice play to save his fellow mutants, especially Rogue, smooth as ever with the now-famous line, "The name's Gambit, mon ami. Remember it."
This brief moment is a one-two emotional gutpunch, starting with Gambit's sudden death right in the middle of what would be his heroic defeat of the Omege Sentinel in any other episode. The staggering spectacle of Gambit's powers being used on a scale greater than ever before is also worth mentioning, the animation of the series being as top-notch as ever. The moment that defined the season with deeply cutting narrative weight and eye-popping art, Gambit's sacrifice is the premiere scene of X-Men '97.
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