The Company Behind Secret Invasion"s Opening Credits Defends Use Of AI After Marvel Fan Backlash

Marvel Studios" newest series, Secret Invasion, premiered on Disney+ to great controversy over its use of AI to create the series" opening credits, and the company behind the sequence now defends it from fan backlash. Secret Invasion focuses on Samuel L. Jackson"s Nick Fury returning to Earth to help stop a Skrull invasion. The series counts on the paranoia element of anyone possibly being a Skrull due to the alien race"s shape-shifting abilities, which led to Marvel"s stylistic choice to use AI to play with that eerie concept. Secret Invasion"s AI opening credits created a huge controversy, and the company behind them is now addressing fans" comments.The Hollywood Reporter has shared Method Studios" statement on the use of AI for Secret Invasion"s opening credits.

According to the company that previously worked on MCU shows like Moon Knight and Loki, "No artists’ jobs were replaced by incorporating these new tools; instead, they complemented and assisted our creative teams.” Method"s position is that the Secret Invasion opening credits merely used AI as another tool available to the artists to achieve the intended vision for the project. While the company might defend its use of AI, Secret Invasion employing the tool has ruffled some feathers in the industry.
Why Secret Invasion"s AI Titles Caused So Much Controversy The use of AI in creative spaces has been a growing topic of concern for some time. Artists have banded together on social media to speak out on how AI art damages their work, with some artists" seeing their work be copied by the tools that are out there. Artists also fear having their jobs taken away by AI in the future, as the alternative would be cheaper than having to pay talented artists what they are worth. Several artists from across the industry have publicly called out Marvel for using AI on Secret Invasion, including Marvel Comics artists, showing the studio has to think carefully about its next steps.
AI is also one of the points being discussed at the moment during the 2023 Writers Guild of America strike. The WGA strike has led to many movies and TV shows" status having to change, with Marvel Studios delaying several movies — and surprisingly moving up Deadpool 3 — because of it. The WGA strike is against the use of AI to come up with scripts, be it final versions or initial drafts for screenwriters to then polish or flesh out, as well as rewrites on actual writers" work.
A big studio like Marvel using AI — even if it matches the feel of Secret Invasion"s story — in the middle of such a big discussion, where most artists and writers are against it, was a choice that would always lead to controversy. That sentiment extends itself to Marvel fans, which are divided on Secret Invasion"s use of AI. Some fans are adamant that AI should never be used over actual artists" work, while others agree that Secret Invasion"s opening credits" use of AI made sense, as it fits the show"s aesthetic. Even with Method Studios" statement, Secret Invasion"s AI controversy is far from over.
Source: THR & @laha_jeet/Twitter
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