10 Biggest Kingpin Differences Between Netflix & Disney+

  • Kingpin's role in the MCU differs from the Netflix series, as he is consistently referred to as Kingpin and has a more vibrant wardrobe.
  • Kingpin's range of influence and access to advanced technology has expanded in the MCU, making him more dangerous.
  • Kingpin has already faced off against multiple heroes in the MCU and has plans to become the Mayor of New York, setting up future storylines.
Marvel Studios' iteration of Wilson Fisk's Kingpin in the MCU is different from his counterpart from Marvel Television's Defenders Saga. Vincent D'Onofrio first appeared as Wilson Fisk, a.k.a. Kingpin, in Marvel Television's Daredevil season 1 in 2015. Fisk had a major role in all three seasons of Daredevil, and D'Onofrio's depiction of the looming New York crime lord has been hugely celebrated in the years since. Daredevil's 2018 cancelation left D'Onofrio's future as Kingpin uncertain, as the idea of Daredevil and the other projects in The Defenders Saga being canon to the MCU was disputed. However, D'Onofrio reprised the role during Phase 4, finally bringing Kingpin into the MCU proper.
Vincent D'Onofrio made his official MCU debut during 2021's Hawkeye, revealed to be the boss of the Tracksuit Mafia and the man pulling Eleanor Bishop's strings throughout the series. Wilson Fisk returned again in Phase 5's Echo, released on Disney+, as he plays a major role in the life of Alaqua Cox's Maya Lopez, a.k.a. the titular Native American hero, Echo. D'Onofrio will reunite with Daredevil co-star Charlie Cox in the MCU's Daredevil: Born Again, which is expected to expand on Wilson Fisk's official backstory and motivations in the MCU's current timeline, perhaps shining more light on the differences between Marvel Television's Kingpin and the new version in the MCU.
Related The MCU's Kingpin Twist Will Mean War For 8 Marvel Superheroes The ending of Echo sees Kingping gearing up for taking over the MCU's New York City as mayor, putting several prominent heroes in the crossfire. 10 Wilson Fisk Is Consistently Referred To As Kingpin In The MCU Netflix's Defenders Saga Didn't Initially Name Wilson Fisk As Kingpin Wilson Fisk was by far the most prominent villain featured in Daredevil, yet he was seldom referred to as his Kingpin moniker. In fact, it's not until Daredevil season 3 that Fisk actually becomes Kingpin, meaning he's previously presented as a very human and perhaps beatable threat. This is very different in the MCU, as Fisk is constantly referred to as Kingpin by anyone in the know, including Clint Barton's Hawkeye in his first introduction of the villainous crime lord. This could perhaps hold up continuity - if Fisk became Kingpin in 2018, he'll be referred to as Kingpin in the MCU's 2025 - but is still a noticeable change.
9 Kingpin's Wardrobe Has Changed Drastically Kingpin Has A More Comic-Accurate Look In The MCU Close With Wilson Fisk's new Kingpin moniker comes a new wardrobe for his more villainous MCU antics. In Marvel Television's Daredevil series, Kingpin only suited up in his comic-accurate white suit in season 3, mostly being seen to wear darker colors in the years prior. However, Kingpin entered the MCU in Phase 4 in his white suit jacket with a Hawaiian shirt underneath, bringing a pop of color to the villain. Kingpin has been depicted wearing purples and burgundies, expanding his wardrobe significantly from the more drab colors audiences may be familiar with. This could hint at a more vibrant personality for the villain, though he has retained his signature brutality.
8 MCU's Kingpin Has Access To Advanced Technology Wilson Fisk Can Understand Maya Lopez Using Technology Marvel Television's Kingpin had fingers in many pies and influences in multiple different businesses, but his schemes were always based in the real world with no fantastical embellishments. This has already been changed in the MCU, as Marvel Spotlight's Echo saw him burst onto the scene with a contact lense and earpiece combination that allows the deaf Maya Lopez to understand him, and vice versa. This advanced technology is something that Netflix's Kingpin was never shown to have an aptitude for, perhaps suggesting that Marvel Studios is extending the villain's range for his official MCU journey - though this could make him significantly more dangerous.
7 Kingpin Never Mentioned Maya Lopez In The Defenders Saga Maya Lopez Has Been Cared For By Kingpin Since She Was A Child Phase 4's Hawkeye and its spinoff, Echo, confirmed that Wilson Fisk had been caring for Maya Lopez since she was a child. Maya's father, William Lopez, worked for Kingpin as a member of the Tracksuit Mafia, but Fisk took Maya under his wing and trained her to be an expert fighter - and eventually a killer. This meant that Maya was a huge part of Fisk's life, but the villain didn't once mention having a surrogate daughter during his experiences in Daredevil, and while Echo and Kingpin's relationship is certainly tumultuous, this perhaps marks one of the biggest changes from Marvel Television to the MCU proper.
Wilson Fisk raised Maya Lopez as his own daughter in the MCU, even after ordering the death of Maya's father, but the pair later drifted apart once Maya learned the truth and made an attempt on her "Uncle's" life.
6 Vanessa Fisk Hasn't Made An Appearance In The MCU Yet Vanessa Fisk Has Been Recast For Daredevil: Born Again Close A key element in Wilson Fisk's evolution into Kingpin is his relationship and marriage to his devoted partner Vanessa. Ayelet Zurer portrayed Vanessa in Marvel Television's Daredevil, and while she won't be reprising the role in Daredevil: Born Again, Vanessa will instead be portrayed by Sandrine Holt. With Holt's appearance in Born Again confirmed, it's likely that Fisk is already married in the MCU, though Vanessa hasn't yet been mentioned. On Netflix, Vanessa's protection and safety guided almost every decision Kingpin made, but this role has so far been filled by Maya Lopez in the MCU, so the status of Fisk and Vanessa's relationship remains to be seen.
5 Kingpin Has Already Faced More Heroes In The MCU Kingpin Only Battled Daredevil In The Defenders Saga On Netflix, Wilson Fisk only ever faced off against Matt Murdock's Daredevil, as he wasn't featured in The Defenders crossover series. This has already created one of the biggest changes when bringing Kingpin into the MCU proper, as the villain has faced off against several MCU heroes during his two brief appearances in the franchise. In his debut, Kingpin battled Clint Barton's Hawkeye and Kate Bishop in Hawkeye's series finale, while Echo saw him face off against his own surrogate daughter once she realized her full power. In the MCU's future, it's possible Kingpin could become the Thanos of the MCU's street-level stories, battling potentially every smaller-scale hero.
4 Wilson Fisk's Criminal Influence Hasn't Been Shown Fully In The MCU Kingpin Was Incredibly Influential In The Defenders Saga Marvel Studios' depiction of Wilson Fisk has so far neglected to demonstrate the full scope of his influence on the criminal underworld of New York City. Not just that, but Netflix's Kingpin also had a hold over various politicians, the wealthy elite and even many law enforcement officers in the police force and FBI. This hasn't been shown at all in the MCU, aside from a brief moment in Echo which saw the NYPD cower in his presence. It's possible that Daredevil: Born Again will develop more of Kingpin's political and criminal power in the MCU, hopefully on a larger scale than what's already been seen in Hawkeye and Echo.
3 MCU's Kingpin Is Stronger Than He Was On Netflix Wilson Fisk Seems To Have Super Strength In The MCU Straight out of the gate, Marvel Studios delivered a much stronger and more formidable version of Kingpin, and not only in the influence he has over various other criminals in the franchise. D'Onofrio's Wilson Fisk can take harder beatings in the MCU than he ever could in Daredevil. Previous battles with Matt Murdock saw Fisk beaten to a pulp, while in a battle with Kate Bishop in Hawkeye's finale, Kingpin was able to take an arrow to the chest, be blown up and be hit by a car and still walk off unharmed. Kingpin even survived being shot by Echo, suggesting there may be some secret to his superior strength.
2 Kingpin's Villainous Plans Are Already Different In The MCU Wilson Fisk Was A More Influential Figure In The Defenders Saga In Daredevil, Fisk was a very public figure, with seemingly everyone in New York City knowing his name and his intention to protect the city. However, in the MCU, he seems to be much more covert - though certainly not unknown - perhaps running his operations behind the scenes while himself being mostly hidden. Those in the know, such as Echo's police officers, understand what Kingpin can do, but the general public seem to have no idea who he is, which is a vast change from his Netflix storyline. However, this could be about to change, as Marvel Studios has set up a world-changing future for Kingpin in the MCU.
1 Wilson Fisk Has Been Teased As The MCU's Mayor Of New York Echo's Post-Credits Scene Teased A Powerful Future For Kingpin Close Echo's post-credits scene teased a major future for Wilson Fisk in the MCU, as he pondered running for Mayor of New York. In Marvel Comics, he completes this goal, and uses his new power to outlaw vigilantism in New York City, which may be the direction Marvel Studios is taking the MCU's Phase 5. This gives Kingpin a clear-cut mission for his appearance in Daredevil: Born Again, which is something that he seldom had in Marvel Television's Daredevil. Kingpin never previously toyed with the idea of becoming Mayor, but Echo sets up the villain to be crucial to the development of Marvel Studios' street-level stories in the most threatening way.
Wilson Fisk becomes Mayor of New York in Marvel Comics' Devil's Reign storyline, which ran between 2021 and 2022. This storyline saw him outlaw vigilantism in New York, and establish a team of Thunderbolts to act as his own police force, which could fit perfectly into the MCU's upcoming slate.


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