15 Wild Details Behind The Making Of The Star Wars Original Trilogy

  • Yoda almost had a monkey playing him in The Empire Strikes Back, but thankfully the iconic puppet was created instead.
  • Darth Vader was played by four different actors, including Hayden Christensen for the DVD release.
  • Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford had an affair during the filming of Star Wars, which Fisher recalled fondly in her memoir.
The Star Wars original trilogy is brimming with incredible details that make the films even better, but there are many wild facts about the making of the movies. The first Star Wars movie had an unbelievably hectic production, forcing Lucas and his team to be innovative and push the boundaries of filmmaking technology. Against all odds, Star Wars was a smash hit that spawned an enormous franchise that continues to expand with upcoming Star Wars movies and TV shows.
Star Wars actors, writers, and directors have also shared fascinating behind-the-scenes stories that paint the movies in a new light. These revelations demand a re-watch and can enhance audience appreciation for how much work went into creating one of the greatest sagas of all time. 15 details about the making of the original trilogy stand out the most for the memorability and impact on the Star Wars franchise.
Your browser does not support the video tag. 15 A Monkey Almost played Yoda Several options were considered for bringing Yoda to life in The Empire Strikes Back, including having a monkey play the Jedi master. The monkey would have worn a Yoda mask and had a cane, with a monkey trainer being brought on set. Thankfully, Lucas and the crew realized how wildly impractical this was, leading to the now iconic Yoda puppet operated by Frank Oz.
14 Four Different Actors Played Darth Vader (From A Certain Point Of View) Darth Vader viewed himself and Anakin Skywalker as two separate people, but the Sith Lord was brought to life by four different actors. David Prowse was inside the Vader suit for most of the original trilogy, James Earl Jones provided the iconic voice, and Sebastian Shaw played Anakin in Return of the Jedi when Vader was unmasked. For the 2004 DVD release, Shaw was replaced by Hayden Christensen as Anakin's Force Ghost, keeping the originals in line with the prequel trilogy.


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